Dwarf Fortress - Change Log Dwarf Fortress - 0.40.24 (Released 2015-01-07) [ View Issues ] ============================================== - 0007903: [Adventure Mode -- Quests] Quest log alway shows adventure agreement conclusion as the current date (Toady One) - resolved. - 0006397: [Dwarf Mode -- Traps] Nonlethal fall onto upright spike causes unreasonably high skill gain (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008555: [Dwarf Mode -- Environment] Pathfinding is not updated when trees are cut down (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008250: [Dwarf Mode -- Combat] Military dwarves won't attack goblins 99% of the time, and when they do they cause a loyalty cascade. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0006442: [Technical -- Rendering] Multiple headers/titles on some screens overlap at higher resolutions (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008701: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcements] Game title partly obscured in heading of announcements screen (Toady One) - resolved. - 0007782: [Adventure Mode -- General] Frozen in time; no way to re-enter time continuum (Toady One) - resolved. - 0007838: [Adventure Mode -- Movement] Arena-created creatures in open space above tree trunks cause DF to hang after assuming control (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008702: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, General] Dwarfs refuse to use picks after unforbidding said picks while traders are present with their own picks. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0002556: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Status] Pain is listed twice on health screen. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0006750: [Dwarf Mode -- Items] Muck root and bloated tuber seeds are displayed without a name (e.g. " [9]") (Toady One) - resolved. - 0003161: [Dwarf Mode -- Flows] Vertical hole only filled up to absolute z-level 0 by falling water (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008662: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Constructions (walls etc)] Dwarves build suspended construction jobs (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008367: [Combat -- General] Soldiers not attack nearby enemy when using kill or station order. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008342: [Dwarf Mode -- Combat] Werebeast arrives, attacks livestock and dwarves but is not attacked by dwarves while in its werebeast form. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0006663: [Adventure Mode -- AI] Necromancers afraid of/killed by their own undead (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008672: [Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences] Dwarves with permanent injuries inevitably spiral into depression (Toady One) - resolved. - 0000186: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Main View] Building Selector Chooses Oddly (Toady One) - resolved. - 0006949: [Dwarf Mode -- Buildings, General] Building in trees and then chopping down the tree leaves the building floating in the air (Toady One) - resolved. - 0003038: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Squad Control] Centering on a non-existent point in "squad -> move" crashes or zooms to a random location (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008685: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Animals] Pets can be gelded despite the "geld" indicator not being displayed by their name in the [z]-animals screen (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008681: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Squad Control] Crash on 's' squad screen shortcut (Toady One) - resolved. - 0001416: [Dwarf Mode -- Moods] Moody dwarves claim workshops outside their burrow, haul infinite number of items, never start construction (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008495: [Typos/Grammar] Space in keybinding's "Press space to abort." should be esc(main menu/leave screen bind) (Toady One) - resolved. - 0005677: [Technical -- Rendering] PRINT_MODE:TEXT fails on OS X; Falls back to 2D (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008362: [Dwarf Mode -- Reclaim] Unretired fortress crashes after some game days (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008649: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designations] Unreachable high-priority mining jobs prevent lower-priority jobs from being taken (Toady One) - resolved. - 0008596: [Typos/Grammar] 'empty announcement ###' error list (Toady One) - resolved. [28 issues]