Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010320Dwarf FortressProjectilespublic2017-11-05 05:052017-11-05 12:32
0010320: Floor level is considered differently for standing and bouncing dwarfs.
When flung from, say, a bridge, etc, dwarfs start out from the exact center of the tile (looking at the memory for dwarf projectiles) but when they bounce off of the floor after falling, they bounce off of the bottom of the tile, at the border between one tile and the one below.
This isn't normally noticeable, but I saw it when I made Armok Vision able to read the sub-tile position of projectiles, and noticed that the dwarfs start out standing in their usual positions on the floor, but go halfway through the floor before bouncing up again.
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related to 0006068new  Minecarts falling onto a floor injure creatures directly below the floor 
Issue History
2017-11-05 05:05JapaNew Issue
2017-11-05 12:32LociNote Added: 0036845
2017-11-05 12:32LociRelationship addedrelated to 0006068

2017-11-05 12:32   
likely the same root issue as 0006068