Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010506Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Movementpublic2018-01-07 17:412018-01-09 08:37
0010506: While walking over frozen ocean, pressing a creates two large walls of ice
I was crossing some small piece of frozen ocean, and as I couldnt "T"ravel over it I was just walking, when the game became a bit unresponsive and I clicked "a" to bring the announcements for some reason - then when I got back there was two large walls of ice on each side of the screen and my companions (that were some tiles behind me) were dead. I tried the same again three times and always got the same result(if I walked a bit north I could reach the end of the walls). I was going to save the game to upload a save but then the game become unresponsive again and this time all the screen was taken by ice (the air froze) and I was encased in ice. I ALt-f4 the game to not lose the adventurer but my last save was quite far away.
1) get to a frozen ocean (or anny large frozen body of water, it may work)
2) cross the ice pressing the key continuously until the game gets unresponsive
3)press "a"nnoucements
4) see two large walls of ice appear in each side of the screen in the direction you were going (one in front and other behind you)
I was using DFhack but never altered the game, just had it to use stonesense (it was not active at the time)
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duplicate of 0003166confirmed lethosor All sorts of weirdness with freezing oceans in adventure mode 
Issue History
2018-01-07 17:41thvazNew Issue
2018-01-07 19:54BumberNote Added: 0037548
2018-01-07 20:03thvazNote Added: 0037549
2018-01-07 20:03thvazNote Edited: 0037549bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0037549#r15202
2018-01-07 20:03thvazNote Edited: 0037549bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0037549#r15203
2018-01-09 03:35HinaichigoNote Added: 0037565
2018-01-09 04:43thvazNote Added: 0037566
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorNote Added: 0037567
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorRelationship addedduplicate of 0003166
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorResolutionopen => fixed
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2018-01-09 08:37lethosorResolutionfixed => duplicate

2018-01-07 19:54   
Duplicate of: 0002673
2018-01-07 20:03   
It is not a duplicate of 0002673. It may be related however. The ocean was already frozen - the issue is that the air above it is freezing as well, and by very repeatable actions by the player.

2018-01-09 03:35   
Seemingly a duplicate of 0003166.
2018-01-09 04:43   
Yeah, it i a duplicate of 0003166, thouth the summary of that one isn't exactly helpful.
2018-01-09 08:37   
Good to know, thanks.