Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010935Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcements: Message Spampublic2018-10-20 07:182020-01-30 19:12
normalmajorunable to reproduce
0010935: Dwarves get interrupted constantly by each other, rendering the fortress useless.
After a fistfight caused by a tantrum of a dwarf, I got several injured dwarves that went to the hospital, after they got medical attention, I started to get several reports on the lines of:
" x ,x cancels <activity>: Interrupted by a y "
Here's an small log:
https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/9posaj/dwarves_constantly_interrupt_each_other_and_i/ [^]

As you can see the issue is big enough to happen every few seconds.

Probably related to 0003259 , would be good to know how I solve this in my fort or at least how do I help to prevent it.
Not being able to reproduce it as the game doesn't allow me to "roll back" into a previous state before the interruption issue started.
Here's the savegame to download.
http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14075 [^]
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related to 0003259new  Loyalty cascade after ordering squad to attack were-citizens, merchants/traders, guards, or liaison 
Issue History
2018-10-20 07:18frenchiveruti1New Issue
2018-10-21 13:53LociRelationship addedrelated to 0003259
2020-01-30 19:12OrkelNote Added: 0039729

2020-01-30 19:12   
This is still a problem in 0.47.01

Tavern brawls and tantrum fights can cause loyalty cascades that kill off a large amount of the fort's population. Same with killing berserk dwarves.