Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0001906Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Artifactspublic2010-05-16 16:112012-02-18 10:02
Shaggy Frog 
0001906: Artifact created with image of itself
A jeweler had a fey mood and created an artifact with a single raw gem. It featured an image of itself in the same material. M.C. Escher would be proud.
has duplicate 0003414resolved Dwarfu Objects can be engraved with images of themselves 
related to 0005570new  Artifacts hold pictures of future artifacts OR change when not viewed 
Issue History
2010-05-16 16:11Shaggy FrogNew Issue
2010-05-16 16:35Logical2uNote Added: 0006810
2010-05-16 16:41FootkerchiefTag Attached: Intentional?
2010-05-16 17:48FootkerchiefNote Added: 0006816
2010-05-16 18:19archivisIssue Monitored: archivis
2010-06-23 05:30peregarrettNote Added: 0009006
2010-07-12 12:03FootkerchiefTag RenamedIntentional? => Intentional/Expected?
2010-10-11 14:19DwarfuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0003414
2011-11-21 01:56KogutNote Added: 0018999
2011-12-20 10:43flamootNote Added: 0019209
2011-12-20 14:13DwarfuIssue Monitored: flamoot
2012-02-18 10:02G-FlexNote Added: 0020050
2012-03-07 13:09FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005570
2018-04-16 11:35HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2010-05-16 16:35   
Footkerchief, not sure how you want to handle this. I'm leaning towards "not a bug", but you seem to have a different opinion http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=32978.msg481379#msg481379. [^] If you don't mind, I'll leave it to you.
2010-05-16 17:48   
Yeah, I'm not really sure either way. I'll leave it for Toady to evaluate.
2010-06-23 05:30   
Got that too and was quite confused.
http://df.magmawiki.com/index.php/File:Fractal_Artwork.png [^]
2011-11-21 01:56   
Why it is supposed to be a bug? It is called Droste effect ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droste_effect [^] )
2011-12-20 10:43   
Recursion! Self-reference! Infinite regress!

-disappears up his tailpipe-
2012-02-18 10:02   
For what it's worth, this might not even be recursion. The image on the item might be, for example, a simplified version of the item itself (not including said image), a schematic, or any number of things.