Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0000253Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2010-04-03 01:422016-08-07 19:13
Toady One 
normalminorhave not tried
needs feedbackopen 
0000253: Dwarven liaison/diplomat misnamed as "Fisherdwarf"
With this caravan I received a a Fisherdwarf instead of a Mountainhome Liaison
related to 0007727new  Upon death, law-giver loses title/profession and becomes peasant 
has duplicate 0002118resolved Dwarfu Axelord guarding dwarf caravan gets "has arrived" announcement before the caravan itself 
has duplicate 0007707resolved Footkerchief Arriving liaison is announced as an Axedwarf 
related to 0008651assigned Footkerchief Outpost liasion is showed as other dwarf class during trade agreement diplomatic meeting 
Issue History
2010-04-03 01:42PutNew Issue
2010-04-03 06:52DwarfuNote Added: 0000490
2010-04-03 06:52DwarfuTag Attached: liason
2010-04-03 18:55dibujanteNote Added: 0000743
2010-04-06 02:26AquillionTag Attached: liaison
2010-04-06 09:51DwarfuTag Detached: liason
2010-04-14 14:27FootkerchiefSummaryDwarven Liaison => Dwarven liaison/diplomat misnamed as "Fisherdwarf"
2010-04-29 13:28FootkerchiefCategoryGeneral => Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View
2010-06-01 03:08FootkerchiefCategoryDwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View => Dwarf Mode -- Nobles
2010-06-01 10:30FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002118
2010-06-01 16:59FootkerchiefRelationship deletedhas duplicate 0002118
2010-09-05 21:14swubooNote Added: 0012436
2011-02-25 05:08DwarfuNote Added: 0015495
2011-02-25 07:49hyperactiveChipmunkNote Added: 0015502
2011-02-25 07:51hyperactiveChipmunkNote Edited: 0015502bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015502#r5838
2011-02-25 11:48DwarfuNote Added: 0015504
2011-02-25 11:48DwarfuTag Attached: Intentional/Expected?
2011-12-11 10:19DwarfuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002118
2011-12-11 10:19DwarfuIssue Monitored: Footkerchief
2013-02-04 13:51Hairy DudeNote Added: 0023844
2013-02-20 07:45lethosorNote Added: 0023856
2014-07-24 13:21DwarfuTag Attached: Fixed in 0.40.04?
2014-07-24 13:21DwarfuTag Detached: Intentional/Expected?
2014-07-24 13:22DwarfuNote Added: 0027446
2014-07-24 13:22DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu
2014-07-24 13:22DwarfuStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-07-25 10:07DwarfuTag Detached: Fixed in 0.40.04?
2014-07-25 10:08DwarfuNote Added: 0027508
2014-07-25 10:08DwarfuStatusneeds feedback => resolved
2014-07-25 10:08DwarfuFixed in Version => 0.40.04
2014-07-25 10:08DwarfuResolutionopen => fixed
2014-07-25 10:08DwarfuAssigned ToDwarfu => Toady One
2014-07-29 07:04FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0007707
2014-07-29 07:04FootkerchiefAssigned ToToady One => Footkerchief
2014-07-29 07:04FootkerchiefStatusresolved => confirmed
2014-07-29 07:04FootkerchiefNote Added: 0027857
2014-07-29 16:04lethosorFixed in Version0.40.04 =>
2014-07-29 21:52FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0007727
2014-12-21 12:31FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008651
2014-12-21 13:51DetrosIssue Monitored: Detros
2016-05-15 14:52Toady OneNote Added: 0035178
2016-05-15 14:53Toady OneAssigned ToFootkerchief => Toady One
2016-05-15 14:53Toady OneStatusconfirmed => needs feedback
2016-08-07 19:13LociResolutionfixed => open

2010-04-03 06:52   
Did you view the Liason? They are title by their civilian jobs instead of their civilization title. But they still hold the title, which shows if you [v]iew them.

Not sure if being called by their civilian job is as intended, though.
2010-04-03 18:55   
I've gotten goblins and hammerdwarves as liaisons in this version.

In fact, in one game, my entire ruling class were goblins.
2010-09-05 21:14   
"The human Fish Cleaner Ganuh Spibsashessat from Behal Alat has arrived."

This is 31.12, and contrary to what Dwarfu says, [v] indicates that he's a Fish Cleaner.
2011-02-25 05:08   
swuboo, 31.12 had this in the release notes, which wasn't the original problem, though that has also been fixed:

"If your old fort has a dead liaison, your replacement liaison will be named after one of the standard professions most likely, but they should still perform their job."

Anyone still seeing diplomats announced in this way?
2011-02-25 07:49   
(edited on: 2011-02-25 07:51)
My first liaison just arrived at my new fort, generated with 31.19:
"The Fisherdwarf Melbil Domasnish from Lor Duthal has arrived."
"A caravan from Lor Duthal has arrived."

He is listed, however, as "Melbil Domasnish, outpost liaison."

2011-02-25 11:48   
Ok, thanks for the update, I thought it may have been changed/fixed instead of announcing the profession. May be intentional now.
Hairy Dude   
2013-02-04 13:51   
Got this in 0.34.11: "The Fisherdwarf Erush Oslanabsam from Regasen has arrived." [v] says he's a Fisherdwarf, [k] says he's an outpost liaison.

When I saw the arrival message I thought: oh, some migrants? Didn't I get some already this season? IMO it should always say "The outpost liaison from Somewhere has arrived" since he's not arriving *as a fisherdwarf*, but as a liaison.
2013-02-20 07:45   
Not sure if this is related, but in 34.11 if you [F]ollow the diplomat as they're leaving, the job name at the bottom changes to a civilian job (I have seen Fisherdwarf once or twice)
The announcements I get usually say "A liaison from (somewhere) has arrived" or something similar... I've never seen a name announced for a diplomat, but that could just be a side effect of some of my worldgen habits.
2014-07-24 13:22   
The liaison seems to be being announced properly upon arrival, both in the announcement list and by [v]iewing them [k] looking around, despite what their profession is shown as in the civ list.

Anyone seen otherwise in the 40.xx series?
2014-07-25 10:08   
I'm marking this as fixed as of 40.04 and adding it to the change log, but if it is found that it happened earlier, we can change it. Also, if the diplomat is being handled differently than the liaison, that'll need to be looked at as well.
2014-07-29 07:04   
Reopening as per 0007707
Toady One   
2016-05-15 14:52   
I'm sure this still happens, but I can't get it to happen. I'll need a save before the arrival announcement that reproduces reliably -- if it is after the announcement, I won't be able to use it.