Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002611Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Trapspublic2010-07-10 08:142010-07-10 08:46
resolvedno change required 
0002611: Cage traps ignore creature's size
Cage traps ignore a creature's size, or they are magical things that can capture 5-ton, 15-ton and 50-ton creatures.

One fix could be to specify in the raws that all creatures over a certain size ignore all traps.
It might be possible for high-speed creatures (fastest goblins included) to nimbly avoid cage traps.
Alter a common wildlife's size to 15 tons (or wait for a megabeast) and wait for it to run into a cage trap. Outdoor walls help guide the victims to the traps.
Traps are supposedly one third the length of wagons and workshops.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2010-07-10 08:14TomiTapioNew Issue
2010-07-10 08:46Logical2uNote Added: 0009883
2010-07-10 08:46Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-10 08:46Logical2uResolutionopen => no change required
2010-07-10 08:46Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u

2010-07-10 08:46   
The bug tracker is currently not for suggestions.
Since this is not obviously a broken feature, and is instead more of a suggestion to change the functionality of cage traps (to reflect realism), I suggest you take this to the Suggestions Forum (if/when the forums are working).