Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0000027Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Standing Orderspublic2010-04-01 15:222011-04-08 13:01
Toady One 
normalminorhave not tried
0000027: Auto loom/weave thread not working.
My loom was not automatically setting the weave thread into cloth job. I double checked that in my options it was set to do so.
loom, workshop
has duplicate 0002703resolved Logical2u Auto Loom Dyed Thread broken 
has duplicate 0002838resolved Footkerchief auto loom 
Issue History
2010-04-01 15:22morinonNew Issue
2010-04-02 05:59TodestoolTag Attached: workshop
2010-04-04 11:59AnydwarfNote Added: 0000902
2010-04-04 11:59AnydwarfIssue Monitored: Anydwarf
2010-04-05 18:53MiniNote Added: 0001284
2010-04-05 18:54MiniTag Attached: loom
2010-04-14 04:36marcbyrneNote Added: 0003446
2010-04-14 16:09simrobertIssue Monitored: simrobert
2010-04-29 13:40FootkerchiefCategoryGeneral => Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Standing Orders
2010-04-29 19:57hyndisNote Added: 0005727
2010-05-02 03:15morinonNote Added: 0005908
2010-06-30 19:05Jon-AceNote Added: 0009435
2010-07-15 05:44Logical2uRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002703
2010-07-25 17:46FootkerchiefSummaryAuto weave thread not working. => Auto loom/weave thread not working.
2010-07-25 17:46FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002838
2010-08-01 22:46ChthonNote Added: 0011393
2010-08-01 23:08ChthonNote Edited: 0011393bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0011393#r4457
2010-08-01 23:09ChthonIssue Monitored: Chthon
2010-08-18 12:38ShurhaianNote Added: 0011895
2010-08-18 12:38ShurhaianIssue Monitored: Shurhaian
2010-08-27 08:29zweiIssue Monitored: zwei
2010-10-09 15:18kwielandIssue Monitored: kwieland
2011-03-03 10:18FootkerchiefIssue Monitored: Jon-Ace
2011-03-03 10:18FootkerchiefNote Added: 0015713
2011-03-03 10:18FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-03 13:30ChthonNote Added: 0015715
2011-03-27 19:14ChthonNote Added: 0016692
2011-03-27 19:15ChthonTag Attached: Fixed in 0.31.22?
2011-03-27 21:07FootkerchiefNote Added: 0016695
2011-03-27 21:07FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-27 21:07FootkerchiefFixed in Version => 0.31.19
2011-03-27 21:07FootkerchiefResolutionopen => fixed
2011-03-27 21:07FootkerchiefAssigned To => Toady One
2011-03-27 21:47DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-27 21:47DwarfuTag Detached: Fixed in 0.31.22?
2011-03-29 21:16kwielandIssue End Monitor: kwieland
2011-03-30 03:33ChthonIssue End Monitor: Chthon
2011-04-08 13:01zweiIssue End Monitor: zwei

2010-04-04 11:59   
Same here -- when I manually added the weaving job ([q][a][w]) I got "~~ cancels Weave Thread into Cloth: Needs 15000 collected plant thread." The auto-weave is probably waiting for "enough" thread before it triggers.
2010-04-05 18:53   
I have this bug, even though when I set a weaving job manually my weaver runs over and does the weaving job fine.
2010-04-14 04:36   
I can confirm this. Auto weave dyed thread does not work. Nor does autoweave all thread.
2010-04-29 19:57   
Works fine for silk, but not for plant fiber thread.
2010-05-02 03:15   
Yeah, I noticed silk works fine too.

I seems to primarily be plant thread.
2010-06-30 19:05   
Confirmed in 0.31.08
2010-08-01 22:46   
(edited on: 2010-08-01 23:08)
Confirmed in 0.31.12 for plant fiber thread.
Manually looming of thread however works fine.

Perhaps there is a setting to only loom dyed thread? I will try dying some thread and seeing if the loom goes to work on it's own.

Edit: No, thread dying state does not change this. Auto loom does not seem to care about plant cloth. Perhaps this was changed to prevent auto looming all thread so some is available for hospitals?

2010-08-18 12:38   
Considering plant cloth is the one you can reliably mass-produce without danger to your dwarves, that would seem counterintuitive even if it is intentional.

But yes. Confirmed that it does not auto-loom plant fiber thread. I thought I'd seen the loom auto-queue earlier and couldn't figure out why it no longer would - the silk explains that.
2011-03-03 10:18   
Reminder sent to: Chthon, Jon-Ace, morinon, Shurhaian

Does auto loom/weave work properly in 31.19?
2011-03-03 13:30   
Considering that I was taking leave to help my sister with her new baby for 2 weeks, I have not had a chance to check. I will check it out at my earliest convenience.
2011-03-27 19:14   
Well I have finally tested this again. It does seem that auto loom works properly as of 31.22. Sorry it took so long.

Due to compressed update schedule I've been unable to keep up with them on my slow connection. I will likely be updating to 31.24 within a day or 2 if no new updates come out in the mean time.
2011-03-27 21:07   
No problem, thanks for getting back to us.