Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0004180Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Embark/Setuppublic2011-03-09 18:452016-09-01 10:01
0004180: Site finder does not search all tiles of non-square rectangle worlds (where x is greater than y)
An example size is 257x129. Also the greater the difference between x and y the less area of the world gets searched.
Create a world where is x size is greater than y. Enter fortress mode and use the site finder.
site finder
has duplicate 0004324resolved Footkerchief Finder fails to search entire map 
has duplicate 0005829resolved Loci Site finder cuts off early in non-square (2:1) regions 
has duplicate 0009987resolved Loci "Find Desired Location" uses height to determine the size of a world 
has duplicate 0010451resolved Loci Site Search on world map not working for irregular shaped world 
Issue History
2011-03-09 18:45nirrelnNew Issue
2011-03-09 18:46nirrelnTag Attached: site finder
2011-03-09 18:52FootkerchiefNote Added: 0016026
2011-03-09 23:00nirrelnNote Added: 0016036
2011-03-13 18:27FootkerchiefSummarySite finder does not porpely search rectange worlds(where x is greater than y) => Site finder does not properly search rectange worlds(where x is greater than y)
2011-03-24 22:47FootkerchiefSummarySite finder does not properly search rectange worlds(where x is greater than y) => Site finder does not search all tiles of non-square rectangle worlds (where x is greater than y)
2011-03-24 22:48FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004324
2011-03-25 00:45InfiltratorNote Added: 0016555
2011-03-25 00:45InfiltratorIssue Monitored: Infiltrator
2016-01-16 01:23JerkwhistleNote Added: 0034440
2016-01-16 01:24JerkwhistleNote Edited: 0034440bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0034440#r13896
2016-08-27 02:53LociRelationship addedhas duplicate 0005829
2016-09-01 09:59LociRelationship addedhas duplicate 0009987
2016-09-01 10:01LociAssigned To => Loci
2016-09-01 10:01LociStatusnew => confirmed
2017-12-15 19:17LociRelationship addedhas duplicate 0010451

2011-03-09 18:52   
Reminder sent to: nirreln

What goes wrong?
2011-03-09 23:00   
The search terminates before all world tiles are searched, how soon seems to depend on the difference in the dimensions. A 257x129 search stop about half way through and 257x17 seems search almost no land at all. I made a short recording of a 257x33 world search. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va_4jdjaOwQ [^]
2011-03-25 00:45   
My guess would be it only searches y^2 tiles instead of xy tiles.

What happens if you swap the dimensions around the other way? So 257x129 and then 129x257?
2016-01-16 01:23   
(edited on: 2016-01-16 01:24)
This problem still exists in the latest version when x>y. For y>x, the search completes normally. I also noticed when testing that the search progress bar reads something like n/153 for a 128x256 world but finishes well before 153. This seems to be the case in square worlds as well so is probably unrelated and may just be some weird boundary issue that the finder is already designed to handle.