Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005347Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Generalpublic2012-02-20 19:262012-03-29 15:03
0005347: Saving freezes mummies and makes them invisible
Saving outside of a tomb is just fine, but if you're far enough inside to have triggered it walking around (even if you haven't run across it face to face yet to receive the boast), saving will turn the mummy invisible and freeze him on his current square. You'll have to lay prone to move through that zone (if he was standing when frozen), and he won't be viewable/interactable in any way. He can't wake up and reappear as near as I can tell either.
1) Enter tomb.
2) Go far enough in to ensure he's up and moving (I believe taking any item from in the tomb is sufficient)
3) Save

If you want to be able to SEE that you've reproduced it, wait until he's visible and do the same, you'll be able to confirm quite clearly that there suddenly is an invisible impassible man where the mummy once was upon reload.
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0006126resolved Footkerchief Disappearing mummies 
Issue History
2012-02-20 19:26redditNew Issue
2012-02-20 20:05redditNote Added: 0020320
2012-02-29 08:57XotanoNote Added: 0020916
2012-02-29 09:53FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0020916bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0020916#r7775
2012-03-29 15:03malvadoNote Added: 0021874
2012-09-14 10:46FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0006126

2012-02-20 20:05   
This is also, btw, probably the reason that people are unable to come back with new characters and find mummies in tombs after being killed by them. The save after death is making them invisible and frozen.
2012-02-29 08:57   
(edited on: 2012-02-29 09:53)
i got a save of this with a mummy tile surrounded by mittens, i was gunna kill the mummy after saving but it just diapered as the bug states.

she is in the middle of all the mittens.
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=5743 [^]

2012-03-29 15:03   
I can actually confirm this bug even inn .06