Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005562Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Questspublic2012-03-06 19:012012-03-06 20:48
Windows 7
0005562: New instance of loyalty cascade-inducing quest target
Got a quest in a town to kill a goblin overlord living in a house in said town. Goblin overlord is friendly until attacked, attacking causes me to become an enemy of the site government at least (other NPCs in house began attacking me). Presumably highly related to 0005064, but in a way that didn't get fixed when Toady One dealt with that one. Note that it is a human town.
Savegame provided with me standing next to the goblin overlord, savescummed to before I attacked her to check if it caused a loyalty cascade.

Save: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=5799 [^]
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0005064resolved Toady One Outcast criminals live in town houses, keep old civ memberships, cause loyalty cascades 
Issue History
2012-03-06 19:01shinzirilNew Issue
2012-03-06 19:23FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005064
2012-03-06 19:24FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005137
2012-03-06 19:24FootkerchiefNote Added: 0021193
2012-03-06 20:31shinzirilNote Added: 0021199
2012-03-06 20:32shinzirilNote Edited: 0021199bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021199#r7894
2012-03-06 20:33shinzirilNote Edited: 0021199bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021199#r7895
2012-03-06 20:47FootkerchiefNote Added: 0021203
2012-03-06 20:47FootkerchiefRelationship replacedduplicate of 0005064
2012-03-06 20:47FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-06 20:47FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-03-06 20:47FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2012-03-06 20:48FootkerchiefRelationship deletedrelated to 0005137

2012-03-06 19:24   
Just to make sure -- what version was the world generated in?
2012-03-06 20:31   
(edited on: 2012-03-06 20:33)
*glares at old savefiles*

*notices savefile with this name in the 0.34.02 folder*


I will say that I didn't get any *other* quests like this, despite doing an absolutely enormous number of quests, as compared to a previous adventurer who had several of these quests lurking in his adventure log (and at least one pissed-off civilization). I don't know. I guess this one just got lucky?

2012-03-06 20:47   
Okay, we'll call it 0005064. If you encounter a similar problem in a 0.34.05+ save, you can reopen this report for it.