Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007364Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- AIpublic2014-07-15 22:072016-05-18 13:26
Toady One 
0007364: Wild animals "flee" northwest
Very frequently, wild animals fleeing (at least I assume they are trying to flee) travel in a northwest direction, regardless of where the creature they are fleeing from is standing. My guess is that these are creatures trying to move toward some particular spot on the map which is not set, so they move toward the map's (0,0) position instead.
Wander the wilds, find some animals, scare them. Watch as they travel northwest regardless of where you are standing.
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related to 0001145resolved Toady One Dwarves will only flee in one direction. 
Issue History
2014-07-15 22:07indigofenixNew Issue
2014-07-15 22:124maskwolfNote Added: 0026593
2014-07-15 22:45Rafal99Note Added: 0026595
2014-07-15 22:46Rafal99Note Edited: 0026595bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0026595#r9909
2014-07-16 02:54thvazNote Added: 0026605
2014-07-16 08:10FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001145
2014-07-16 11:38Rafal99Issue Monitored: Rafal99
2014-08-02 09:37thvazIssue Monitored: thvaz
2014-08-02 09:53smjjamesNote Added: 0028145
2014-08-28 17:28smjjamesNote Added: 0029758
2014-08-28 18:03FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-08-28 18:03FootkerchiefStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-08-31 13:46thvazNote Added: 0029834
2016-05-18 13:26Toady OneStatusneeds feedback => resolved
2016-05-18 13:26Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2016-05-18 13:26Toady OneAssigned ToFootkerchief => Toady One
2016-06-10 17:09thvazIssue End Monitor: thvaz
2017-08-09 14:00Rafal99Issue End Monitor: Rafal99

2014-07-15 22:12   
If there are bug reports related to dwarf behavior and their proclivity to the NW quadrant, then this is related to those, I would guess. This'll probably be fixed whenever Toady gets around to changing what he has himself called the "artificial behavior" in this regard.
2014-07-15 22:45   
(edited on: 2014-07-15 22:46)
It happens to adventure mode bandits in their camps too.
They randomly run about 15-20 tiles in NW direction then come back to their original position. Then a while later they run in NW direction again.
It doesn't seem to have to do with fleeing as there was no combat nearby.

2014-07-16 02:54   
Companions in adventure mode do this too.
2014-08-02 09:53   
EVERYTHING does this, animals, people, that one wierd fire based titan that seemed to keep running from itself.

It reminds me of the issue in Minecraft where things would tend to path to the northwest, particularily noticable with penned livestock. I know it's an ENTIRELY different programming setup from DF, but it's just a pathing issue as well.
2014-08-28 17:28   
This seems to have been fixed as of 40.10, or at least mitigated, the flee direction seems more random now. It's not predominantly northwest anymore, that much I'm pretty sure of.

Can anybody confirm for sure?
2014-08-31 13:46   
Something changed. I don't see creatures always running to the northwest anymore. Even your companions go to random directions, as if they were scouting, instead of going always to the northwest