Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007727Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Generalpublic2014-07-29 20:002014-07-29 21:51
Khym Chanur 
normalminorhave not tried
AMD x86, 64 bit Fedora20
0007727: Upon death, law-giver loses title/profession and becomes peasant
I went to a town which I was told had been taken over by criminals (at least, I think it was that town). The law-giver in the keep started out hostile. When I killed him it told me that I had struck down a peasant, and the corpse had a peasant's color.
1) Get http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=9201 [^]

2) Got to the keep at the east end of the town.

3) Kill the law-giver.
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related to 0000253needs feedback Toady One Dwarven liaison/diplomat misnamed as "Fisherdwarf" 
Issue History
2014-07-29 20:00Khym ChanurNew Issue
2014-07-29 20:18lueNote Added: 0027924
2014-07-29 21:51FootkerchiefSummaryCriminal law-giver becomes peasant upon death => Upon death, law-giver loses title/profession and becomes peasant
2014-07-29 21:52FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000253

2014-07-29 20:18   
It's standard procedure for the game to list someone's profession (such as Fisherdwarf or Bowman) when they die. I don't think this is a bug, though admittedly it's debatable.