Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008723Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2015-01-11 00:202015-01-11 19:20
iMacOS X10.6.8
0008723: Unknown Fortress Mode Crash
My fortress modes in the past two versions have suffered from the fate of an untimely, sudden, inevitable crash. I have no leads as to why this occurs, but I do have two crash reports. Would someone be kind enough to tell me how I should upload these?
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0008719resolved Toady One Building constructions over parts of trees crashes 
Issue History
2015-01-11 00:20TzalizkanNew Issue
2015-01-11 00:20TzalizkanIssue Monitored: Tzalizkan
2015-01-11 00:20TzalizkanIssue End Monitor: Tzalizkan
2015-01-11 00:44DetrosNote Added: 0031868
2015-01-11 02:05ptb_ptbNote Added: 0031869
2015-01-11 03:58TzalizkanNote Added: 0031871
2015-01-11 05:07ptb_ptbNote Added: 0031873
2015-01-11 07:02DetrosNote Added: 0031878
2015-01-11 14:47TzalizkanNote Added: 0031892
2015-01-11 19:20FootkerchiefNote Added: 0031897
2015-01-11 19:20FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0008719
2015-01-11 19:20FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2015-01-11 19:20FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2015-01-11 19:20FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2015-01-11 00:44   
Bugged saves (zipped region folder) or other DF related files can be updated to http://dffd.wimbli.com/. [^] If you upload some files there, post a link to them here.
2015-01-11 02:05   
Did you build anything near an underground tree?
2015-01-11 03:58   
Crashlogs uploaded http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=10423 [^]

@ptb_ptb I did not build near an underground tree, no. Or do you mean part of a tree which was underground, i.e. above roots? In which case, yes, but I believe construction was being finished/was finished already.
2015-01-11 05:07   
@Tzalizkan Actually building over tree branches above ground or underground will cause a crash. Building over roots shouldn't do anything, though.

Incidentally, while playing on DF 0.40.23 I had about two unexplained crashes in around 20 game years. Restoring from seasonal backups and playing from there again didn't cause the crashes to re-occur.
2015-01-11 07:02   
Link service: ptb_ptb is probably referencing 0008719, Building a floor over an underground tree ramp causes crash
2015-01-11 14:47   
@ptb_ptb Actually, that's probably what it was. Sadly.
2015-01-11 19:20   
Okay, we'll chalk it up to that one. Please reopen if contradictory information emerges.