Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0009729Dwarf FortressGeneralpublic2016-05-07 11:452016-05-11 12:12
resolvedno change required 
PCWindows 10 Professionnel10586
0009729: Graphic glitch after 5-10 sec in game
I've got this weird graphic bug with EVERY tileset but it doesnt happen alltime.
Maybe 4 time out of 5.
I will be hard to explain so here is a gif :
http://imgur.com/tI7zjtt [^]
Start with LNP with workflow enable.
Load game, wait 10sec, if nothing happen i can play.
If not i must kill DF with DFhack
I5 6600K skylake
8go DDR4
R9 390
No tags attached.
related to 0010200resolved lethosor Graphics Glitch 
Issue History
2016-05-07 11:45TurimoNew Issue
2016-05-07 12:57TurimoNote Added: 0035093
2016-05-07 13:05TurimoNote Edited: 0035093bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0035093#r14154
2016-05-07 13:24TurimoNote Edited: 0035093bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0035093#r14155
2016-05-07 16:34VerouleNote Added: 0035094
2016-05-07 19:01TurimoNote Added: 0035095
2016-05-11 12:12lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2016-05-11 12:12lethosorResolutionopen => no change required
2016-05-11 12:12lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2017-04-23 15:13lethosorRelationship addedrelated to 0010200

2016-05-07 12:57   
(edited on: 2016-05-07 13:24)
Update : With ASCII graphic it work well on Print mode : 2D
But doesnt work on Print mode: TWBT
So i guess the TWBT dfhack plugins is related

Update2: Yeah definitly because of Print mode in LNP, only 2D work other make the glitch happen

2016-05-07 16:34   
Watching the video it appears that first corruption of the graphics is during the loading sequence. It seems like the font-set is has some data written over it, and then is zeroed. I would suggest trying to eliminate DFHack and any other add-on utility as the cause, as they are the likely culprit. The different graphics mode is likely putting the font-set at a different location which avoids that being corrupted, but something else is still being corrupted.
2016-05-07 19:01   
With reddit we found that plays.tv (programm installed from amd every time you update your drivers) was the problems for me just had to uninstall it.
So the report is fixed, but still there must but some issue amd/DF