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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0011364Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Cages and Chainspublic2020-02-12 18:382020-02-13 11:19
Assigned To 
PlatformLinuxOSArch LinuxOS VersionRolling
Product Version0.47.02 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0011364: Dwarf names are displayed untranslated on the Justice screen
DescriptionWhen reviewing the witnesses to a crime, the witnesses last names are displayed in english instead of dwarven. For example Ashchanneled instead of kovid...
Steps To ReproduceStart fortress
Run until a crime is committed
View the justice screen from Stock > Justice
Find a crime that has witnesses
Witnesses last names will be untranslated
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-  Notes
mrmagolor (reporter)
2020-02-13 11:19

I don't think this is inconsistent behavior with a lot of the rest of the game.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-02-12 18:38 burzmali New Issue
2020-02-13 11:19 mrmagolor Note Added: 0040040

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