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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0011587Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Raidspublic2020-07-11 05:302020-07-12 09:50
Assigned To 
PlatformwindowsOS10OS Versionhome 64bit
Product Version0.44.12 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0011587: Constant crashing after squads return from raid
DescriptionCrash imemdiatly after squads return from raid [^]
Steps To ReproduceJust wait, save file is minutes before the return
Additional InformationSAVE file included

Reported this issue 15 minutes before, save file wasn't uploaded there.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0011586resolvedlethosor Constant crashing a few minutes after opening save 

-  Notes
PatrikLundell (reporter)
2020-07-11 09:18

Repeats for me, and seems to happen shortly after the third squad member enters the map.

I tried disbanding the two local squads and then removed the squad members from their squads as they entered the map, single stepping from the second one onward. Eventually I stopped and let the game continue, and it hasn't crashed at 36-12-05. I don't see any equipment corruption, although I don't know if supplies can get corrupted (so we can't see it).
Lysergium (reporter)
2020-07-12 09:50

Thank you!
Seems to have worked, removed the first four dwarves as they entered, that fixed it. So the third or fourth dwarf was the issue.
Still would have liked to know what caused it, to avoid it in the future.
If someone ends up messing around with the save file, and figuring out the actual cause, let me know.

But, technically, issue resolved!

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-07-11 05:30 Lysergium New Issue
2020-07-11 09:18 PatrikLundell Note Added: 0040630
2020-07-11 14:39 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0011586
2020-07-12 09:50 Lysergium Note Added: 0040635

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