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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0002062 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Assignment of Jobs | public | 2010-05-24 13:22 | 2010-06-09 06:45 | |
Reporter | DarthCloakedDwarf | |||||
Assigned To | Footkerchief | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried | |
Status | closed | Resolution | duplicate | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | 0.31.04 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | |||||
Summary | 0002062: Miner listed as "No Job" while mining job available | |||||
Description | Miner won't mine. There are tiles designated to mine. He has mining labor enabled. He has pickaxe. He is not tantruming. He is just not mining. | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | Unknown. | |||||
Tags | No tags attached. | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
Relationships | ||||||
Notes | |
(0007293) DarthCloakedDwarf (reporter) 2010-05-24 14:00 |
Dwarf is now staving, even though there is food available. Before anyone asks, I have not set any burrows. |
(0007294) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-05-24 14:20 |
Are you sure he's not trapped, like by misuse of ramps or something? Can you move a squad to his location? [^] |
(0007295) DarthCloakedDwarf (reporter) 2010-05-24 14:28 |
He was walking around my main meeting hall when he died of starvation. |
(0007297) Quietust (reporter) 2010-05-24 14:45 |
Was he ever assigned to the military? |
(0007305) Jiri Petru (reporter) 2010-05-24 17:16 |
Did you use Dwarf Therapist to turn mining on/off? |
(0007306) bottleimp (reporter) 2010-05-24 17:42 |
I'm seeing similar behavior with a miner. Sent her up to remove ramps around the entrance to my fort. She finished and then stood there with other mining available, listing as no job. I could get her to accept mining jobs in close proximity, but she kept trying to return to the aprox 4x4 area she had finished the ramp removal in. When she got hungry, I managed to get her to dig directly to the food storage with a sequence of small mining designations, and then she seemed to return to normal behavior and eat. No burrow, never drafted. Couldn't try anything with DT because I'm on a mac. |
(0007307) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-05-24 17:52 edited on: 2010-05-24 23:07 |
bottleimp: do you have a save where she's still trapped? edit: test edit. |
(0007312) bottleimp (reporter) 2010-05-24 18:59 edited on: 2010-05-24 19:02 |
And file under "I'm a freakin idiot..." I had somehow managed to accidentally pull the lever to close my doors without realizing it. Sorry. *facepalm* |
(0007315) Chthon (reporter) 2010-05-24 20:28 |
Heh, at 'remove ramps' the first thing I thought of was all the times I accidentally disconnected a portion of my fortress due to the fact that it removes up stairs too. XD |
(0007348) DarthCloakedDwarf (reporter) 2010-05-26 12:13 |
Yeah, he was assigned to my military once, as the lone member of the squad (when he was attacked by a mountain goat). I deactivated him after he broke the goat's legs. He sustained no injuries, but didn't go back to mining once I deactivated him. |
(0007349) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-05-26 12:24 |
Once again: Did you use Dwarf Therapist to turn mining on/off? Using DF to enable/disable equipment-based labors is known to cause problems. If you didn't use DT, then you're probably experiencing 0000605. |
(0007352) DarthCloakedDwarf (reporter) 2010-05-26 13:38 |
I don't have Dwarf Therapist, I've never used it. |
(0007353) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-05-26 13:40 |
Okay, in that case I'll chalk this up to 0000605. There's a small chance that it would be helpful to upload your save to [^] and post the link as a note on 0000605. |
Issue History | |||
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-05-24 13:22 | DarthCloakedDwarf | New Issue | |
2010-05-24 14:00 | DarthCloakedDwarf | Note Added: 0007293 | |
2010-05-24 14:20 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0007294 | |
2010-05-24 14:28 | DarthCloakedDwarf | Note Added: 0007295 | |
2010-05-24 14:45 | Quietust | Note Added: 0007297 | |
2010-05-24 17:16 | Jiri Petru | Note Added: 0007305 | |
2010-05-24 17:42 | bottleimp | Note Added: 0007306 | |
2010-05-24 17:52 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0007307 | |
2010-05-24 18:20 | bottleimp | Note Added: 0007310 | |
2010-05-24 18:59 | bottleimp | Note Added: 0007312 | |
2010-05-24 18:59 | bottleimp | Note Deleted: 0007310 | |
2010-05-24 19:02 | bottleimp | Note Edited: 0007312 | View Revisions |
2010-05-24 20:28 | Chthon | Note Added: 0007315 | |
2010-05-24 23:07 | Footkerchief | Note Edited: 0007307 | View Revisions |
2010-05-24 23:07 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0007317 | |
2010-05-24 23:07 | Footkerchief | Note Deleted: 0007317 | |
2010-05-26 12:13 | DarthCloakedDwarf | Note Added: 0007348 | |
2010-05-26 12:24 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0007349 | |
2010-05-26 13:38 | DarthCloakedDwarf | Note Added: 0007352 | |
2010-05-26 13:40 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0007353 | |
2010-05-26 13:40 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | duplicate of 0000605 |
2010-05-26 13:40 | Footkerchief | Status | new => resolved |
2010-05-26 13:40 | Footkerchief | Resolution | open => duplicate |
2010-05-26 13:40 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | => Footkerchief |
2010-06-09 06:45 | Toady One | Status | resolved => closed |
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