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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0002299 | Dwarf Fortress | Technical -- General | public | 2010-06-13 09:00 | 2012-02-28 19:55 | |
Reporter | AravinS | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | immediate | Severity | crash | Reproducibility | always | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | no change required | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | 0.31.06 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.31.07 | ||||
Summary | 0002299: Unhandled Win 32 Exception crash in Fortress mode, also crashes on attempts to reclaim. | |||||
Description | After installing the new 0.31.06 version i begun suffering the Unhandled win32 exception crash. Now it happens ALWAYS. I load this save, and it crashes almost immediately. 3-5 seconds after i unpause game. For more information, i can say, that before i had 1 crashed save already. When i come near the mid winter of 1077 it begun crashing. I thought it was due to some virus before, so i took the save from earlier time (about 3-4 months) and began playing. It went well until the same date - mid-winter 1077. ALWAYS crashes at this time. Like i have some kind of death timer for fortress :/ I use May Day graphics pack. The save is a bit heavy because of that. I tried to run that save on other computer - it stills crashes. Save included - [^] | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1) Download the save 2) Load the save 3) You crash with a messge "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in Dwarf Fotress.exe" almost (2-3 seconds) immediately after pressing space | |||||
Tags | Save Included | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0008280) dorf (reporter) 2010-06-13 09:21 |
Is this the same the bug you reported here 0002229 ? |
(0008281) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 09:33 edited on: 2010-06-13 09:38 |
Yes it it. But with other save. Still same bug( And it seems that no one can help me( 12 years... so much stuff done. And then this shit comes :( I tried to find this bug on forums. Some guy suffered it too - and no one could help him. The very save is corrupted... |
(0008282) smjjames (reporter) 2010-06-13 09:48 |
Were you carrying the save through different versions? Maybe it got corrupted that way since there have been many tweaks and if you transfer it through enough versions, yea I guess something could break that way. |
(0008283) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 09:55 |
Exactly. I have carried this save through 0.31.05 and 0.31.06 versions - played on 03 version earlier. Any way to fix it? Or there is no hope? |
(0008285) smjjames (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:08 |
What about your errorlog, does that say anything? |
(0008287) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:10 |
Well that's what in my errorlog path fail: dog,141,150,158 -> 120,77,153: Id 0009726:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Owner at 120,77,153 path fail: dog,91,148,153 -> 126,148,158: Id #12467:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Owner at 97,136,151 But i dont really think it is connected... Or it does? |
(0008288) smjjames (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:14 |
I seriously doubt it since the pathing errors are normal, not to mention that we don't know how new those are. Try deleting the error log, start up the crashing save, then see if any new errorlog was created. |
(0008290) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:17 |
Well that's bad. No new error log was created :( |
(0008291) smjjames (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:19 |
Damn, it could just be a corrupted save which is unrecoverable. At least you posted up the save for Toady and others to take a look at it since Toady would have the tools to see what's going on. |
(0008293) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 10:25 |
I hope so. Even sent him a PM. |
(0008294) Logical2u (manager) 2010-06-13 10:33 edited on: 2010-06-13 10:33 |
Ahoy, Here are four main questions for you - they might be able to resolve your crash. 1. Do you have a military? a) If yes, what happens if you disband it? b) If yes, what happens if you replace your militia commander from the military screen? c) If yes, what sort of weapons are they carrying? 2. Since you've carried it through multiple versions, are you melting any items? a) If yes, disable them. This is supposedly fixed in 31.05, but if you started it in 31.03 I'm not sure what the behaviour will be. 3. Make sure that your RAWs are consistent. I'm thinking along the line of "nemesis unit load error" type consistencies, if you know what that means. 4. Do you have a hospital? a) If yes, is anyone getting treated in it? aa) If yes, try disabling the hospital zone, or otherwise interrupting the treatment. This may fix the crash. I'm afraid that I can't currently test these remedies myself. I'd appreciate a timely response to these questions and whether or not they resolve the crash. If they do, I can mark this as a child of one of the other crash bugs. |
(0008302) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 11:49 |
1. Yes i do a) Still crashes. b) Still crashes c) Shem - military leader - iron spear+ steel spear Tobul - steel battle axe Kol - Iron war hammer Reg - iron short sword Besmar - steel spear Limul - steel mace 2) I had. Disabled melting everywhere. Still crashes. 3) I do not know what does that mean :) 4) Yes i have a) No, but there are some dwarves sleeping here. Removed hospital - still crashes. Maybe it's really that "nemesis unit load error" since none helped me? :) |
(0008340) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 16:28 edited on: 2010-06-13 16:29 |
Got a note. When i tried to reclaim this same fortress after abandoning it, the game crahes after i select my fotress at embark menu (after pressing R, a list of reclaimable fortresses appear, and the game crahes after i choose mine). With the same win32 exception mistake. |
(0008342) Logical2u (manager) 2010-06-13 16:34 |
Oh. Well, that's a considerably worse crash then. I'm make a slight modification to the title to reflect this. |
(0008351) AravinS (reporter) 2010-06-13 17:14 |
"Well, that's a considerably worse crash then. I'm make a slight modification to the title to reflect this. " Any chance to fix it? Cause i suspect it is not some kind of generic bugs connected with military, fishing or hospital. Actually i was lucky to never suffer any kind of bugs, even my military work up their dorfs asses to become stronger. But this... may it be connected to a virus attack on my computer? I had to make a system restore to make my computer work. The night before getting virus (obviously the virus penetrated my computer already at that time - maybe at that very time). Then, morning brought a surprise. And after system restore i suffer a number of crashes. Pain in ass but tolerablely. But now i dont have time to do anything - it just crashes like clock. 3 seconds. My engraver dorf run through 4 tiles and craaaash... |
(0008466) Toady One (administrator) 2010-06-15 01:01 edited on: 2010-06-15 01:02 |
It looks like SHELL was added to the horse after the world was generated -- the corpse is missing flags for the shell body part and it is crashing on rot. Modifying the raws inside save files can cause trouble, especially changing the number of body parts or materials. edit: removing the SHELL tag from the save's horse's raws folder makes the problem go away, incidentally, in case you wanted to keep using this save. |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-06-13 09:00 | AravinS | New Issue | |
2010-06-13 09:21 | dorf | Note Added: 0008280 | |
2010-06-13 09:33 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008281 | |
2010-06-13 09:38 | AravinS | Note Edited: 0008281 | View Revisions |
2010-06-13 09:48 | smjjames | Note Added: 0008282 | |
2010-06-13 09:55 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008283 | |
2010-06-13 10:02 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0002229 |
2010-06-13 10:08 | smjjames | Note Added: 0008285 | |
2010-06-13 10:10 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008287 | |
2010-06-13 10:14 | smjjames | Note Added: 0008288 | |
2010-06-13 10:17 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008290 | |
2010-06-13 10:19 | smjjames | Note Added: 0008291 | |
2010-06-13 10:25 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008293 | |
2010-06-13 10:33 | Logical2u | Note Added: 0008294 | |
2010-06-13 10:33 | Logical2u | Note Edited: 0008294 | View Revisions |
2010-06-13 11:49 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008302 | |
2010-06-13 16:28 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008340 | |
2010-06-13 16:29 | AravinS | Note Edited: 0008340 | View Revisions |
2010-06-13 16:34 | Logical2u | Note Added: 0008342 | |
2010-06-13 16:36 | Logical2u | Summary | Unhandled Win 32 Exception crash at particular time scale => Unhandled Win 32 Exception crash in Fortress mode, also crashes on attempts to reclaim. |
2010-06-13 17:14 | AravinS | Note Added: 0008351 | |
2010-06-14 07:12 | Kyle_Solo | Tag Attached: Save Included | |
2010-06-14 14:18 | AravinS | Issue Monitored: AravinS | |
2010-06-15 00:58 | Toady One | Relationship added | related to 0001271 |
2010-06-15 01:01 | Toady One | Note Added: 0008466 | |
2010-06-15 01:01 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2010-06-15 01:01 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 0.31.07 |
2010-06-15 01:01 | Toady One | Resolution | open => no change required |
2010-06-15 01:01 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2010-06-15 01:02 | Toady One | Note Edited: 0008466 | View Revisions |
2010-06-29 07:38 | Footkerchief | Category | Technical => Technical -- General |
2011-03-05 10:18 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | has duplicate 0001255 |
2011-03-12 10:49 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0002829 |
2011-03-18 06:20 | Footkerchief | Relationship replaced | related to 0001255 |
2011-11-10 21:49 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0001434 |
2011-11-10 21:49 | Dwarfu | Issue Monitored: Logical2u | |
2012-02-28 19:55 | Logical2u | Issue End Monitor: Logical2u |
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