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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000285Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2010-04-03 11:302011-03-14 08:30
Assigned ToToady One 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformWin32OSWindowsOS VersionVista
Product Version0.31.01 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.31.22 
Summary0000285: Moody dwarves won't use magma forges (or magma glass furnaces), insist on non-magma ones
DescriptionSo an immigrant armorer got a secretive mood shortly after arriving.However, he refused to claim a workshop. I was perplexed because I thought I had one of every workshop available, however, I only had a magma forge instead of a regular one.(I had every other kind of workshop, so it wasn't that he was mooding another skill)

I didn't actually manage to construct a forge to verify it was this before he went melancholic, but still. Moody dwarves should be this picky about workshops since anything he could've made in a regular forge, he could've made in a magma forge.
Tagsforge, magma forge, mood
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0001856resolvedFootkerchief Despite having access to magma, mood dwarf refuses to use Magma Glass furnace, requires Glass Furnace 
has duplicate 0002996resolvedFootkerchief possessed dwarf takes no workshops 
has duplicate 0004075resolvedLogical2u Moody dwarf will not claim magma forge but will claim metalsmiths forge. 
has duplicate 0001946closedFootkerchief Strange mood dwarf didn't use magma glass furnace - only normal glass furnace. 
has duplicate 0002304resolvedFootkerchief Strange mood dwarves ignore magma glass furnance 
has duplicate 0002779resolvedLogical2u mood dwarf does not accept magma glass furnace 
has duplicate 0004254resolvedFootkerchief Dwarf with mood sulks in his bedroom instead of creating artifact 
related to 0004091resolvedFootkerchief Moody dwarfs attending parties will not claim workshops. 

-  Notes
lando242 (reporter)
2010-04-03 11:31

This is a well known condition. I don't know if its considered a bug but it has been around for quite awhile.
Hellfish (reporter)
2010-04-03 11:45

I don't know if I'm supposed to be able to edit issues, but I meant "Moody dwarves SHOULDN'T be this picky...", not the opposite.
Shurhaian (reporter)
2010-04-03 12:36

This is indeed a pre-existing condition, around since 40d or who knows how much longer.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-03 11:30 Hellfish New Issue
2010-04-03 11:31 lando242 Note Added: 0000598
2010-04-03 11:35 Aquillion Tag Attached: mood
2010-04-03 11:35 Aquillion Tag Attached: forge
2010-04-03 11:35 Aquillion Tag Attached: magma forge
2010-04-03 11:45 Hellfish Note Added: 0000605
2010-04-03 12:36 Shurhaian Note Added: 0000619
2010-06-30 13:18 Footkerchief Relationship added child of 0001856
2010-08-09 22:24 Footkerchief Summary Moody Armorer ignores forge => Moody Armorer ignores magma forge, wants a normal forge
2010-08-10 12:23 Footkerchief Relationship added has duplicate 0002996
2011-02-27 12:12 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0004075
2011-02-28 16:55 Footkerchief Relationship added related to 0004091
2011-03-02 09:25 Footkerchief Summary Moody Armorer ignores magma forge, wants a normal forge => Moody dwarves won't use magma forges (or glass furnaces), insist on non-magma ones
2011-03-02 09:25 Footkerchief Relationship replaced has duplicate 0001856
2011-03-02 09:25 Footkerchief Issue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2011-03-02 09:25 Footkerchief Relationship added has duplicate 0001946
2011-03-02 09:25 Footkerchief Relationship added has duplicate 0002304
2011-03-02 09:26 Footkerchief Relationship added has duplicate 0002779
2011-03-02 09:26 Footkerchief Summary Moody dwarves won't use magma forges (or glass furnaces), insist on non-magma ones => Moody dwarves won't use magma forges (or magma glass furnaces), insist on non-magma ones
2011-03-02 09:26 Footkerchief Sticky Issue No => Yes
2011-03-09 04:04 Toady One Status new => resolved
2011-03-09 04:04 Toady One Fixed in Version => 0.31.22
2011-03-09 04:04 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2011-03-09 04:04 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2011-03-09 17:26 Khym Chanur Issue End Monitor: Khym Chanur
2011-03-14 08:30 Footkerchief Sticky Issue Yes => No
2011-03-20 21:38 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0004254

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