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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0005021 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Trade | public | 2012-01-12 20:47 | 2016-05-06 16:24 | |
Reporter | Greymane | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | 0.31.25 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.43.01 | ||||
Summary | 0005021: "Masterwork has been lost" when merchants leave with traded items | |||||
Description | As soon as visiting merchants leave the map, masterwork items traded to merchants are reported as stolen ('A masterwork of [dwarf] has been lost!') with accompanying negative thoughts for the creator. Have so far tested it on crafts of all kinds (mugs included), nest boxes, weapons, ammo, bins, and barrels. | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | Trade a masterwork quality item to any merchant and wait for them to leave the map with the item. | |||||
Additional Information | Saves: [^] (0.42.06) [^] (0.42.06) [^] (0.42.06) | |||||
Tags | 0.42.06 | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0019372) Kogut (reporter) 2012-01-13 05:06 |
Please, upload savegame (it never happened in my game) |
(0019374) Quietust (reporter) 2012-01-13 06:02 |
By any chance are you trading with a (modded) Kobold civilization? |
(0019378) Dwarfu (manager) 2012-01-13 09:14 |
Reminder sent to: Greymane Can you update this report with a save (zip you DF/data/save/region folder and upload it to [^] and post a link in the bug report) and let us know if you are using any mods (such as a modded kobold civ, etc). |
(0019386) Greymane (reporter) 2012-01-13 14:31 edited on: 2012-01-13 15:57 | [^] Save is up. I AM using mods, nameless homebrew stuff that does include a couple alterations to the Kobold civilization. Oddly, while I had seen this happen in completely clean, unmodded worlds before I started modding, I actually can't seem to get it to repeat in a clean game anymore. Might have jumped the gun on a bug report, if it's the fault of the mods. EDIT: Just to specifically address the question Quietust asked (which I had misread at first), the trading in question is not with Kobolds, who are not modded for trade (just a few equipment and job related things). Trade is still only with dwarves, elves, and humans and the bug crops up with all of them. |
(0019396) Kogut (reporter) 2012-01-16 04:25 |
Are you playing as kobold civ? |
(0019398) Greymane (reporter) 2012-01-16 15:44 |
Kogut: Belatedly, nope. Just dwarves. In most of the worlds/forts it happened in, there weren't even any kobolds because they'd all died out. Whatever was causing it wasn't kobold-related. |
(0031611) ptb_ptb (reporter) 2014-12-31 05:05 |
I haven't seen this in DF 0.40.~~ Maybe it can be closed? |
(0031615) Footkerchief (manager) 2014-12-31 07:54 |
Anyone able to reproduce this with or without mods? |
(0031626) vomov (reporter) 2015-01-01 01:57 |
I can't seem to reproduce this, because I can't trade masterwork stuff (not even through messing around with bins), which I think is intended behaviour (maybe for now, but still intended). I've not seen this issue for quite some time, so I suspect it can be closed. |
(0031628) ptb_ptb (reporter) 2015-01-01 02:44 |
@vomov Not being able to trade Artifacts is as intended. Not being able to trade Masterwork (would be) a bug. |
(0031640) Detros (manager) 2015-01-02 10:45 |
No, Footkerchief. I am selling masterful ☼trap component☼s to dwarves and humans in 40.23 and neither such message nor bad thoughts of my carpenters noted. |
(0031698) vomov (reporter) 2015-01-05 03:43 |
@ptb_ptb: mixed the terms 'Masterwork' and 'Artefact', whoops! (the negative thought threw me off) Selling or getting rid of Masterwork stuff isn't a problem, as far as I can see; I've been deforesting aggressively and selling masterwork stuff for quite some time now, without issues. Artefacts being non-tradable and the bad thoughts etc. resulting from a loss seems to be working as intended. |
(0031700) Detros (manager) 2015-01-05 09:02 |
So, can this be closed as "no more in current version"/"maybe caused by a mod" or something like that, at least until somebody manages to reproduce it in 0.40.20 or higher version? |
(0031720) Footkerchief (manager) 2015-01-05 17:00 |
That seems reasonable. If anyone has a save that reproduces this problem in the latest version, please upload it to [^] and PM a manager on the forums (or reopen the report). |
(0034860) lethosor (manager) 2016-03-16 14:29 |
Reopened per 0009576 and [^] Save from VitalArt on the forums: [^] Saves from 0009576: [^] [^] |
(0034872) SpoCk0nd0pe (reporter) 2016-03-18 14:05 |
I just wanted to report it happened in my fort too. Do you still need another save? |
(0034874) seeschloss (reporter) 2016-03-19 08:40 |
Just in case it can be useful, here's a save where this happened to me: [^] On a completely unmoded game. |
(0034965) DaliTimelord (reporter) 2016-04-02 17:28 |
Also happened to me after the merchants left the map. [^] Unmodded, now with fancy screenshots! |
(0034984) Aussiemon (reporter) 2016-04-07 23:52 |
In case it might assist further, here is another save, taken just before the traders leave the map with the "lost" masterwork. [^] |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-01-12 20:47 | Greymane | New Issue | |
2012-01-12 22:22 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0003169 |
2012-01-13 05:06 | Kogut | Note Added: 0019372 | |
2012-01-13 06:02 | Quietust | Note Added: 0019374 | |
2012-01-13 07:01 | Footkerchief | Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2012-01-13 09:14 | Dwarfu | Note Added: 0019378 | |
2012-01-13 14:31 | Greymane | Note Added: 0019386 | |
2012-01-13 14:42 | Greymane | Tag Attached: UPDATE GIVEN | |
2012-01-13 15:57 | Greymane | Note Edited: 0019386 | View Revisions |
2012-01-13 16:27 | Footkerchief | Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE | |
2012-01-13 16:27 | Footkerchief | Tag Detached: UPDATE GIVEN | |
2012-01-13 16:27 | Footkerchief | Summary | Traded Masterworks Count As Stolen => "Masterwork has been lost" when merchants leave with traded items |
2012-01-16 04:25 | Kogut | Note Added: 0019396 | |
2012-01-16 15:44 | Greymane | Note Added: 0019398 | |
2012-02-25 12:45 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0005441 |
2012-02-25 12:46 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0005442 |
2014-12-31 05:05 | ptb_ptb | Note Added: 0031611 | |
2014-12-31 07:54 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0031615 | |
2014-12-31 07:54 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | => Footkerchief |
2014-12-31 07:54 | Footkerchief | Status | new => needs feedback |
2015-01-01 01:57 | vomov | Note Added: 0031626 | |
2015-01-01 02:44 | ptb_ptb | Note Added: 0031628 | |
2015-01-02 10:45 | Detros | Note Added: 0031640 | |
2015-01-02 10:45 | Detros | Issue Monitored: Detros | |
2015-01-05 03:43 | vomov | Note Added: 0031698 | |
2015-01-05 03:43 | vomov | Issue Monitored: vomov | |
2015-01-05 09:02 | Detros | Note Added: 0031700 | |
2015-01-05 17:00 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0031720 | |
2015-01-05 17:00 | Footkerchief | Status | needs feedback => resolved |
2015-01-05 17:00 | Footkerchief | Resolution | open => unable to reproduce |
2016-03-16 14:16 | VitalArt | Issue Monitored: VitalArt | |
2016-03-16 14:16 | VitalArt | Issue End Monitor: VitalArt | |
2016-03-16 14:28 | lethosor | Relationship added | has duplicate 0009576 |
2016-03-16 14:28 | lethosor | Issue Monitored: Button | |
2016-03-16 14:28 | lethosor | Issue Monitored: Sarmatian123 | |
2016-03-16 14:28 | lethosor | Issue Monitored: madman256 | |
2016-03-16 14:29 | lethosor | Note Added: 0034860 | |
2016-03-16 14:29 | lethosor | Status | resolved => needs feedback |
2016-03-16 14:29 | lethosor | Resolution | unable to reproduce => reopened |
2016-03-16 14:31 | lethosor | Additional Information Updated | View Revisions |
2016-03-18 14:05 | SpoCk0nd0pe | Note Added: 0034872 | |
2016-03-18 19:20 | Sarmatian123 | Tag Attached: 0.42.06 | |
2016-03-19 08:40 | seeschloss | Note Added: 0034874 | |
2016-04-02 17:28 | DaliTimelord | Note Added: 0034965 | |
2016-04-07 23:52 | Aussiemon | Note Added: 0034984 | |
2016-04-15 02:16 | Knight Otu | Status | needs feedback => confirmed |
2016-04-15 02:17 | Knight Otu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0009691 |
2016-05-06 16:24 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2016-05-06 16:24 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => Next Version |
2016-05-06 16:24 | Toady One | Resolution | reopened => fixed |
2016-05-06 16:24 | Toady One | Assigned To | Footkerchief => Toady One |
2016-05-09 23:47 | Button | Issue End Monitor: Button | |
2016-05-29 19:36 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | related to 0009780 |
2016-12-22 07:30 | AxDeath | Issue Monitored: AxDeath | |
2018-12-18 18:57 | Sarmatian123 | Issue End Monitor: Sarmatian123 |
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