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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006002Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Petspublic2012-06-10 08:152014-10-11 12:34
Assigned ToToady One 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.34.11 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.40.01 
Summary0006002: Tamed animals that revert to wild state retain trap immunity
DescriptionWild animals necessarily trigger traps, it's how we cage them.
Tame animals don't trigger traps, it'd lead to a lot of unhappy cat owners.

When a (often dangerous) wild animal is tamed, and this taming is allowed to regress back to a wild state, you end up with a wild animal that cannot be caged. This can lead to a lot of FUN.
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-  Notes
RossM (reporter)
2014-09-01 02:42

It seems like this is fixed in 0.40.10.
Footkerchief (manager)
2014-09-01 14:14

Given the lack of activity otherwise, we'll assume that's the case.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-06-10 08:15 QuantumTroll New Issue
2014-09-01 02:42 RossM Note Added: 0029849
2014-09-01 14:14 Footkerchief Note Added: 0029869
2014-09-01 14:14 Footkerchief Status new => resolved
2014-09-01 14:14 Footkerchief Resolution open => fixed
2014-09-01 14:14 Footkerchief Assigned To => Toady One
2014-10-11 12:34 lethosor Fixed in Version => 0.40.01

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