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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0006015 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Reclaim | public | 2012-06-12 14:06 | 2014-08-25 11:25 | |
Reporter | hessuu | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |||
Platform | PC | OS | Windows 7 Professional 64-bit | OS Version | 6.1 | |
Product Version | 0.34.11 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.40.11 | ||||
Summary | 0006015: Reclaiming multiple times gradually slows the game down, leather starts to appear | |||||
Description | I have a fort I lost multiple times to whatever reasons. After about ten attempts at getting it to stand I noticed that the average FPS was 60 for some reason. After a couple more times it was finally 4, then 0, then the game was almost completely frozen. Every frame took seconds to process. I replicated this 3 more times with a pristine site, and every time leather started to appear all over the landscape. My last attempt, which was done with an embarking party without any items at all, the leather count on the map still reached 2000 according to the stocks screen. | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | Create a fort and abandon and reclaim it around 12 times. | |||||
Additional Information | Game was completely unmodded. | |||||
Tags | crash, Fortress, fps, lag, leather, reclaim | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0022968) hessuu (reporter) 2012-06-12 14:31 edited on: 2012-06-13 12:37 |
Savefile of the last test: [^] |
(0022974) Quietust (reporter) 2012-06-12 18:24 edited on: 2012-06-12 18:25 |
The leather is coming from subterranean animal peoples, but unless you've got a gigantic embark, you should only be getting a dozen or less per reclaim... |
(0022981) ag (reporter) 2012-06-13 13:27 edited on: 2012-06-14 08:15 |
After reclaim in that save I got 8000 amphibian men in the caves, and 400000 spider webs with the removed+garbage_collect flags (the ones set when an item is removed, but not deallocated yet). The webs do disappear as expected if I wait about 50 frames. Profiling shows 95% load coming from unit friend-or-foe checks. |
(0022982) ag (reporter) 2012-06-13 13:38 edited on: 2013-04-09 19:09 |
Here is a complete list of stuff there: [^] After doing a few calculations, it seems that the numbers fit a hypothesis of some things doubling on every subsequent reclaim, with resulting exponential growth. EDIT: this link no longer appears to work -Dwarfu |
(0023907) warmist (reporter) 2013-03-19 13:24 |
Same happens if you sleep in the same fort. Unit count grows almost exponentially. |
(0023925) Dwarfu (manager) 2013-04-09 19:08 |
Redmannine's save from 0006302: [^] |
(0023927) Redmannine (reporter) 2013-04-10 05:04 edited on: 2013-04-10 05:06 |
yeah mine is a very similar problem, but has gotten to the point I cannot get an adventurer to enter the fortress site without the game crashing or locking up. Only noticed the 'leather explosion' after attempting another reclaim on the same site and everything was slowed down |
(0023964) Redmannine (reporter) 2013-05-10 10:03 |
I've installed DFhack to attempt to solve the problem with my fort, auto-dumping and deleting all scattered items that covered the map, as well as removing contaminates from the dwarves and remaining items. Despite doing this, the game still runs at an abysmally slow rate, the frame rate something around one frame every 30seconds if I'm lucky, most the time it seems that Dwarf Fortress will fail to respond. |
(0024001) caldfir (reporter) 2013-06-12 15:20 |
This issue appears in several ways, and seems to be related to the site re-generating items and creatures for sites, as it does with worldgen sites (like non-historical people in towns still being there when you come back, in a consistent way). This is a problem since player sites remember EVERYTHING that is left on them, and as such on each successive load, brings back both the originals AND a generated copy of everything. |
(0025470) hessuu (reporter) 2014-07-09 20:51 |
Still present in 0.40.01. |
(0026664) Quietust (reporter) 2014-07-16 13:40 |
I tried getting this to happen in 0.40.03, but the animal people are simply vanishing altogether after the initial abandon (and don't show up again on reclaim). |
(0027039) hessuu (reporter) 2014-07-20 11:23 |
Quietust, are you getting the massive performance hit and the leather still? Because I sure did. |
(0028575) bralbaard (reporter) 2014-08-08 02:26 |
I can reproduce this in 40.06. In 34.0x this problem was present in adventure mode as well, and in this case I reproduced it in adventure mode in 40.06, I guess the underlying problem is the same as for fortress mode. I visited an abandoned -player created- fortress, and after sleeping there repeatedly (five or six times?) severe lag started to occur, and leather started to accumulate on the surface. Here is a save game with an unfortunate adventurer at the site, the game is hardly responsive due to lag. leather is present on the surface (but was never produced at the site) [^] This is a rather nasty bug that had a big impact on adventure succession games in 34.11, causing some games to be abandoned completely, and severely impacting others. |
(0029612) Toady One (administrator) 2014-08-25 11:25 |
The animal people camp items can't be easily salvaged without the full army item update. I'm just going to remove the items themselves from the camps for the time being and leave a note to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen when they return. |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-06-12 14:06 | hessuu | New Issue | |
2012-06-12 14:07 | hessuu | Issue Monitored: hessuu | |
2012-06-12 14:07 | hessuu | Issue End Monitor: hessuu | |
2012-06-12 14:08 | hessuu | Issue Monitored: hessuu | |
2012-06-12 14:31 | hessuu | Note Added: 0022968 | |
2012-06-12 16:42 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0001181 |
2012-06-12 18:24 | Quietust | Note Added: 0022974 | |
2012-06-12 18:25 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0022974 | View Revisions |
2012-06-13 12:34 | hessuu | Tag Attached: reclaim | |
2012-06-13 12:34 | hessuu | Tag Attached: fps | |
2012-06-13 12:34 | hessuu | Tag Attached: leather | |
2012-06-13 12:37 | hessuu | Note Edited: 0022968 | View Revisions |
2012-06-13 13:27 | ag | Note Added: 0022981 | |
2012-06-13 13:38 | ag | Note Added: 0022982 | |
2012-06-14 08:15 | Footkerchief | Note Edited: 0022981 | View Revisions |
2013-03-19 13:23 | warmist | Issue Monitored: warmist | |
2013-03-19 13:24 | warmist | Note Added: 0023907 | |
2013-04-09 19:06 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0006302 |
2013-04-09 19:08 | Dwarfu | Note Added: 0023925 | |
2013-04-09 19:09 | Dwarfu | Note Edited: 0022982 | View Revisions |
2013-04-10 05:04 | Redmannine | Note Added: 0023927 | |
2013-04-10 05:06 | Redmannine | Note Edited: 0023927 | View Revisions |
2013-04-10 05:07 | Redmannine | Issue Monitored: Redmannine | |
2013-05-10 10:03 | Redmannine | Note Added: 0023964 | |
2013-05-10 10:06 | Redmannine | Tag Attached: crash | |
2013-05-10 10:06 | Redmannine | Tag Attached: Fortress | |
2013-05-10 10:06 | Redmannine | Tag Attached: lag | |
2013-06-12 15:20 | caldfir | Note Added: 0024001 | |
2014-01-03 10:43 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | has duplicate 0006400 |
2014-01-03 10:43 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0005106 |
2014-03-26 00:06 | ag | Issue Monitored: ag | |
2014-03-26 01:49 | Dwarfu | Assigned To | => Dwarfu |
2014-03-26 01:49 | Dwarfu | Status | new => acknowledged |
2014-05-28 03:11 | Knight Otu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0006491 |
2014-07-09 20:51 | hessuu | Note Added: 0025470 | |
2014-07-16 13:40 | Quietust | Note Added: 0026664 | |
2014-07-20 11:23 | hessuu | Note Added: 0027039 | |
2014-08-08 02:26 | bralbaard | Note Added: 0028575 | |
2014-08-08 09:05 | Footkerchief | Status | acknowledged => confirmed |
2014-08-08 16:03 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0006549 |
2014-08-25 11:25 | Toady One | Note Added: 0029612 | |
2014-08-25 11:25 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2014-08-25 11:25 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => Next Version |
2014-08-25 11:25 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-08-25 11:25 | Toady One | Assigned To | Dwarfu => Toady One |
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