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Summary 0001511: Melting crash (With save)
Revision 2010-05-09 09:48 by Logical2u
Description Bugged save - uploading to bugged saves on the upload site. Likely involves either human or elf caravans.
Edit: Disabling melting jobs resolves the crash temporarily.

Human caravan has been in fort for awhile - refuses to actually leave, despite having 'set out on their journey'. Elf caravan last season only left after I destroyed my depot, leaving all their holy-hell-megatons of crap behind. This season I didn't have a depot, so they went insane, died, and left all their megatons of crap up in the corner.

Still, human caravan seems more likely - as if it were the point it was actually ready to leave.

Crash happens about 10-20 mins in for me at 120 framerate. Not sure of the exact time - can find out if desired. Sometime within the season current to the save.
Revision 2010-04-28 13:45 by Logical2u
Description Bugged save - uploading to bugged saves on the upload site. Likely involves either human or elf caravans.

Human caravan has been in fort for awhile - refuses to actually leave, despite having 'set out on their journey'. Elf caravan last season only left after I destroyed my depot, leaving all their holy-hell-megatons of crap behind. This season I didn't have a depot, so they went insane, died, and left all their megatons of crap up in the corner.

Still, human caravan seems more likely - as if it were the point it was actually ready to leave.

Crash happens about 10-20 mins in for me at 120 framerate. Not sure of the exact time - can find out if desired. Sometime within the season current to the save.

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