Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001076Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Healthcarepublic2010-04-13 05:432011-10-19 03:02
Toady One 
0001076: 2 dwarves in hospital died of dehydration.
Had several sick dwarves in the hospital, no inside water, low on drinks. 2 dwarves died of dehydration while in the hospital beds.


1: There was a major fight at the main gate. Many jobs were suspended/canceled. Presumably the bring drink jobs were among them. After the fight, the wounded were placed in the same hospital and then fed and watered before anybody suffered ill effects.

2: The beds these two dwarves were in were in the corners, horizontally touching other beds, and vertically adjacent to cabinets. If a diagonal is unacceptable for providing water, this could be the cause. I wasn't paying enough attention before the fight, so it's possible they were never brought water.

3: Winter had passed (later arrivals were getting water A-OK), but until recently all water on the map had been frozen.
No tags attached.
child of 0000351resolved Toady One Injured dwarf dies of thirst despite many idle healthcare workers and available water/buckets/etc 
Issue History
2010-04-13 05:43Granite26New Issue
2010-04-13 05:44Granite26Note Added: 0003234
2010-04-13 09:19FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000351
2010-06-15 01:24Toady OneNote Added: 0008469
2010-06-15 01:24Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2010-06-15 01:24Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.31.07
2010-06-15 01:24Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2010-06-15 01:24Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One
2010-06-15 05:34FootkerchiefResolutionfixed => duplicate
2011-10-19 03:02KogutIssue Monitored: Kogut
2011-10-19 03:02KogutIssue End Monitor: Kogut

2010-04-13 05:44   
Possibly related to 1035 (dwarves not in beds). They were on the same square as beds but not definitely IN the beds.
Toady One   
2010-06-15 01:24   
I've addressed some issues with getting water to them in 0.31.07, and among the possible reasons you gave, I'm hoping that'll cover it. If there are future problems, a save up on dffd.wimbli.com will be the easiest way to figure things out, though pre-dehydration saves are the easiest to work with and harder to get.