Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0001976Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2010-05-19 15:582010-06-09 06:45
normalminorhave not tried
0001976: Will not attack friendlies, no matter what.
My Dwarves, embarked on top of a goblin tower with the intent to slaughter the populace, kill men, women and children, and survive until winter off their supplies, plus the plants growing along the area.

I issue my first kill order, an elite crossbowman. my dwarves go to att- noheir just talking to him.

embark on goblin tower
The goblins are 'friendly'
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0000618new  Caged goblins are freed after reclaiming 
Issue History
2010-05-19 15:58FirehoundNew Issue
2010-05-19 16:29Logical2uNote Added: 0007029
2010-05-19 16:29Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0000618
2010-05-19 16:29Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-05-19 16:29Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-05-19 16:29Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u
2010-06-09 06:45Toady OneStatusresolved => closed

2010-05-19 16:29   
I'm just going to mark this as a duplicate of 0000618, because...
1. 618 is more specific as to what the bug actually is.
2. I'm pretty sure the mechanics are exactly the same in both cases.