Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002116Dwarf FortressCombat -- Stuck-inspublic2010-05-31 16:162014-01-27 20:28
0002116: Weapons stuck in can be pulled out while sleeping.
I was attaccking somone in sleep as an adventurer but somehow they dont wake up (glitch one)

then it got stuck in and he pulled it out in his sleep, again, not waking up.
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related to 0001740new  Civilian sleeps through skeletal fox attack 
Issue History
2010-05-31 16:16toybasherNew Issue
2014-01-27 20:28FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001740
2018-04-13 12:43HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

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