Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003111Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Stockpilespublic2010-08-27 08:202017-12-06 12:53
normalminorhave not tried
0003111: Stockpile Additional Options Category Does Not Function Correctly For Food
This is the first time this has occurred although I have only just started playing! I'm not sure if this happens with underground farms but at the moment I have two outdoor farms that only get at least one or two squares harvested per crop even though there are clearly several stacks of various plants. They do not rot. I tried dumping several crop stacks to a dump zone and then reclaiming but still nothing.

I have also checked all of my custom stockpiles, deleted some and remade them. I just cant get these plants moved! Not sure if they get used for cooking/brewing but it's kind of annoying having a whole heap of flashing crops that I can't store neatly away!
So far it's happened with prickle berries, longland grass and wild strawberries. I have a save file to upload if necessary but not sure how to? Also, you can't laugh at my meagre fortress beginnings!
Save Included
related to 0003024resolved Footkerchief Custom Stockpile without primary settings will never be used 
related to 0003134resolved Dwarfu Dwarves don't stockpile properly 
related to 0003486resolved Dwarfu custom stockpile with food/plant drinks only is not the same as food stockpile with food/plant drinks 
related to 0009866confirmed Loci "Additional Options" remain white even if all sub-categories are gray 
related to 0000169new  Dwarves don't respect stockpile sub-settings 
related to 0010634new  grown wood cages treated by stockpiles as "non plant/animal" 
Issue History
2010-08-27 08:20TheSlimeGodNew Issue
2010-08-27 09:38greycatNote Added: 0012158
2010-08-27 16:41kwielandNote Added: 0012179
2010-08-27 18:51DwarfuNote Added: 0012182
2010-08-28 10:15TheSlimeGodNote Added: 0012212
2011-07-09 00:23DwarfuNote Added: 0018166
2011-07-09 00:24DwarfuTag Attached: Save Included
2011-07-09 00:24DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0003024
2011-07-09 00:24DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0003134
2011-07-09 00:24DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0003486
2011-07-09 00:28DwarfuCategoryDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshop => Dwarf Mode -- Stockpiles
2011-07-09 00:28DwarfuSummaryOutdoor crops do not get harvested, instead plants stack on farm tiles while farmers re-seed. => Stockpile Additional Options Category Does Not Function Correctly For Food
2011-07-09 00:52DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0000169
2016-07-19 07:10LociNote Added: 0035659
2017-10-30 14:17LociAssigned To => Loci
2017-10-30 14:17LociStatusnew => confirmed
2017-12-06 12:53LociRelationship addedrelated to 0009866
2018-03-17 14:46LociRelationship addedrelated to 0010634

2010-08-27 09:38   
In my experience, if someone harvests the crop and leaves it on the field, it's because there wasn't a food stockpile capable of accepting it. (I suppose a lack of food haulers could also achieve this.)

You might check burrow settings too, just in case you accidentally made a burrow that makes it impossible for your food haulers to get from the farm plot to the appropriate stockpile.

Saves can be uploaded to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] (you'll have to register).
2010-08-27 16:41   
Not rotting is a bug, 0001280. They should be used for brewing, eating, etc.

Plants are under the food stockpile setting. If you have a food stockpile that isn't full, these should be taken there. Make sure they are not wilted, though. You can designate those for dumping by using d-b-d.
2010-08-27 18:51   
As greycat suggested, please upload a save.
2010-08-28 10:15   
Uploaded the save. For further info - No burrows have been assigned yet (I have yet to experiment with burrows!) and I have tried assigning the haulers to varying degrees of hauling activity - right down to exclusive food hauling and back up to enabling all hauling and disabling other professions.

At first I thought it was a backup of good needing to be hauled but with 16 idle dwarves now (I just got hit by those pesky immigrants again) and the food still sitting there it's starting to ah .. .bug me. I have removed designated food stockpiles and reassigned them - I even put a pile next to the plots. Still nada.

It may be that I'm just a nub but I have beaten my head against the wall on this one!

File link is http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3012 [^]
2011-07-09 00:23   
I went back and checked this in both 31.25 and 31.12 Legacy. It seems when placing a food stockpile (standard or custom) the Additional Options category will only allow the stockpile to function correctly if Allow Non-Plant/Animal option is selected. Food such as plants will then be stored there, as in this report's case.
2016-07-19 07:10   
v0.43.03: Non-Plant/Animal setting enabled is still required to store various plants in a food stockpile.