Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004108Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2011-03-02 09:042014-01-17 10:38
normalminorhave not tried
0004108: Mussels and oysters lack any material based on PEARL_TEMPLATE, despite having the [PEARL] token
Despite mussels and oysters both having the [PEARL] token, they do not define any material based on PEARL_TEMPLATE which would permit such pearls (if they exist) to be used for making crafts; even if said materials did exist, there isn't any way to specify that connection (as is done with [WEBBER], for example).

Come to think of it, pearls have never properly existed in Dwarf Fortress...
Probable Quick Fix
related to 0003071resolved Toady One All hardcoded materials (glass etc) have uninitialized MAX_EDGE and ABSORPTION and crappy yield/fracture/strain values 
Issue History
2011-03-02 09:04QuietustNew Issue
2011-03-02 09:31FootkerchiefSummaryNo PEARL materials? => Mussels and oysters lack any material based on PEARL_TEMPLATE, despite having the [PEARL] token
2011-03-02 09:38FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0003071
2011-03-03 07:31FootkerchiefTag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2011-03-09 17:23Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2014-01-17 10:38Kirig StonebeardIssue Monitored: Kirig Stonebeard

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