Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004263Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2011-03-21 02:402011-03-30 10:38
0004263: Reclaiming a fortress destroys cave mud and aquifers
When you reclaim a fortress, both cave mud and aquifers will be gone. This is especially devastating to someone who is counting on the aquifer as a source of water, like at one of my reclaimed fortresses, which was Freezing and had no cave water except some salt water which was 125 levels deeper than my fortress. I had really, REALLY been counting on that aquifer to provide me with water.
The embark screen showed the aquifer as being in one of the top 8 layers, and was in multiple biomes comprising about 75% of my embark site. I dug very deep holes in 3 different places but didn't find an aquifer.
Reclaim a fortress with an aquifer.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0000133confirmed lethosor Naturally muddy areas lose mud upon reclaim 
Issue History
2011-03-21 02:40GreenSpinachNew Issue
2011-03-21 06:20Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0000133
2011-03-21 06:21Logical2uNote Added: 0016419
2011-03-21 06:21Logical2uTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefNote Added: 0016804
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefNote Added: 0016805
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2011-03-30 10:38FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE

2011-03-21 06:21   
Are you sure the aquifer is actually gone? It may just not be displaying the water tiles any more, meaning it's hidden suddenly.
2011-03-30 10:38   
Please reopen this if you have a save.
2011-03-30 10:38   
Please reopen this if you have a save.