Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004375Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Townpublic2011-03-28 10:292012-02-23 05:52
highblockhave not tried
0004375: Dwarven Town is in Hell. Huge lag makes game unplayable.
http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/2212/wtfij.png [^]

I just generated a new world-- only one Dwarven civ on the map. So I made an adventurer and started there.

And it was in hell.

Also, like, 1,000,000k memory? WTF!
I have no idea.
My computer locked up for a few minutes. Not the game, the entire computer.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0005077resolved Toady One Browsing world gen map causes corrupted feature files 
Issue History
2011-03-28 10:29DarthCloakedDwarfNew Issue
2011-03-28 15:49AesculaNote Added: 0016741
2011-03-28 16:22FootkerchiefIssue Monitored: Aescula
2011-03-28 16:22FootkerchiefNote Added: 0016742
2011-03-28 16:22FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-28 17:19DarthCloakedDwarfNote Added: 0016744
2011-03-28 18:18AesculaNote Added: 0016746
2011-03-28 20:05DarthCloakedDwarfNote Added: 0016751
2011-03-31 22:18DarthCloakedDwarfTag Attached: UPDATE GIVEN
2011-03-31 22:58FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-31 22:58FootkerchiefTag Detached: UPDATE GIVEN
2011-06-16 21:48DarthCloakedDwarfIssue Monitored: DarthCloakedDwarf
2011-06-16 21:50DarthCloakedDwarfNote Added: 0018007
2012-02-12 04:58Knight OtuRelationship addedrelated to 0005043
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020536
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0005077
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2012-02-23 05:52FootkerchiefRelationship deletedrelated to 0005043

2011-03-28 15:49   
I'm using the world at the moment, and am trying to enter the town. It has crashed sometimes on Adventurers, or dropped them elsewhere. When I Travel in, trying to drop myself in the town, it crashes immediately. Will try entering the town outside of Travel Map.
2011-03-28 16:22   
Reminder sent to: Aescula, DarthCloakedDwarf

For Toady to fix this or almost any other problem, he has to be able to reproduce it. Please either a) upload a save to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] or b) upload world gen params to http://pastebin.com/ [^] and a screenshot of the location to http://tinypic.com/ [^]
2011-03-28 17:19   
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4068 [^]

One of the Dwarven towns, Peeked-something, is in Hell. You might create an adventurer there, or travel there.
2011-03-28 18:18   
Traveling in via normal map end up with an unpredictable freeze. Dwarf Fortress eats up all the CPU power it is allowed, but does not stockpile memory, indicating a freeze rather than an actual workload.

The town seems to be in the middle-to-northwest of the world.
2011-03-28 20:05   
It stockpiled a lot of memory for me, Aescula.
2011-06-16 21:50   
Hello? Footkerchief? You there?
2012-02-23 05:52   
Lightning4 helped me ID this save as a case of feature corruption. See 0005077.