Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004672Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockspublic2011-05-26 18:252011-06-28 12:08
0004672: Displaying stone in the stock menu causes major slowdown
When I browse through my stock menu and I accidentally go on the stone items, it causes the game to calculate every single stone that has been mined. Since I got something like 48,000 mined stone spread throughout the map, it takes several minutes to my i7 quad core system to display the stocks, which is pretty annoying.
Mine like a fool, then display the stone stocks in the stone menu (z menu)
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duplicate of 0004513resolved Footkerchief Performance issues after mining 100 000+ stone 
Issue History
2011-05-26 18:25habskovy27New Issue
2011-06-05 02:07mrchinchin25Issue Monitored: mrchinchin25
2011-06-23 09:39habskovy27Issue Monitored: habskovy27
2011-06-28 12:08DwarfuNote Added: 0018068
2011-06-28 12:08DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0004513
2011-06-28 12:08DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2011-06-28 12:08DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2011-06-28 12:08DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2011-06-28 12:08   
Not so much a bug report as a performance optimization request.