Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004941Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Environmentpublic2011-10-29 08:202011-12-07 09:41
PCWindows 7
0004941: Infinite Cave-In Loop in glacier
An infinite loop of cave-ins is created by dropping ice unto a rock layer below. ( to create water)

I can provide both a file before and after the cave-in for reproduction.
Drop Ice walls one layer onto stone in glacier biome using cave-ins.
Exactly the same as: http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=4257 [^]

I have tried this twice in two different glacier (terrifying) areas embark areas.
No tags attached.
related to 0001932confirmed Footkerchief Ice over water cave-in produces blocks of rock and "Unknown" 
Issue History
2011-10-29 08:20redmattisNew Issue
2011-10-29 08:26redmattisNote Added: 0018927
2011-10-29 08:52redmattisNote Added: 0018928
2011-10-29 13:42QuietustNote Added: 0018930
2011-12-07 09:41FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001932

2011-10-29 08:26   
I tried shutting of the stop announcement on cave in, and it continues to climb in cave-in numbers. as of writing it hasn't stopped and has a count of "x1065" in the announcement area.
2011-10-29 08:52   
I have found the cause of the infinite loop.

When ice falls down water is displaced to the layer above. The layer above is an ice layer, so the water is turned into ice wall... which falls down. infinity times.
2011-10-29 13:42   
This is probably related to 0001176. It's also a known issue that dates back to 40d and earlier.