Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005974Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2012-05-31 09:542012-05-31 09:54
0005974: Seeds do not generate same worlds between different OSs
Reddit thread for where this was first noticed: http://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/u2ptk/this_is_the_most_fun_ive_had_in_dwarf_fortress/c4s1m21 [^]

If seeds are used to generate a world on one Operating System, say linux, then the same seeds will not produce the same world in different Operating systems, say Windows XP or Windows Vista.

I tested the seeds on my machine running linux and it generated the same world, I then tried the Seeds on a different computer running windows and the worlds were different. Also the results were different between my computer running windows XP and another redditors running windows Vista, both running 32 bit.

Other user reported generating the same world after rebooting into a linux installation on the same machine.
1) Generate a world using WORLD_GEN parameters in Additional Information
2) Compare with http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=6382 [^]
world gen in windows vista: http://i.imgur.com/85Jog.gif [^]
world gen in Linux: http://i.imgur.com/E950E.png [^]
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related to 0006379resolved Toady One Double-seed and triple-seed RNG init functions do not work correctly, causing inconsistent world gen 
related to 0006934acknowledged lethosor Using Seeds in World Gen does not always result in Civs behaving the same way (History Seed broken?) 
Issue History
2012-05-31 09:54RethnorNew Issue
2012-05-31 09:54RethnorIssue Monitored: Rethnor
2013-09-30 12:33FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006379
2014-08-06 07:27FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006934

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