Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007602Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2014-07-24 06:322014-07-24 08:02
normalminorhave not tried
WindowsWindows 8Build 9200
0007602: King 'Arrived' unannounced at some stage towards the end of year one
I noticed what I thought was a king sprite run down my central staircase very early in Year 2 of my new fortress (Year 126 of the world)

Perplexed, I checked the noble screen and sure enough, I have a king! There was no notification, no arrival with experienced military dwarves / other retinue, and I'm still only an Outpost! (Population of 17 adults, 0 Children, 0 Babies, King included)
Unsure / Not Yet Available. I intend to start a new fortress in the same world and get it to the same point to see if the issue reoccurs.
To give as much information as possible:

I have a save file of a fortress on the 5th of Granite in the year 126, having settled after generating a small world to 125 years and settling near a Necromancer tower. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Goblins are all present in the world, but I have not yet seen a Kobold, and so cannot say for certain on that point.

I only created Spartan rooms for my manager and bookkeeper during winter of Year 1 (World year 125) in my fort, and am reasonably certain that at that point I did not have a King. Shortly after Year 1 ended and the game autosaved, I was sieged by the aforementioned necromancer and a single undead minion. The necromancer brushed up against a dwarf that was out gathering berries and promptly ran away.

I created a burrow and assigned all civilian dwarves to it, and it was at this point after unpausing the game that I noticed what I thought was a king sprite run down my central staircase. Perplexed, I checked the noble screen and sure enough, I have a king! There was no notification, no arrival with experienced military dwarves / other retinue, and I'm still only an Outpost! (Population of 17 adults, 0 Children, 0 Babies, King included)
King, Monarch, noble, nobles
duplicate of 0006874resolved Toady One SITE members automatically promoted to entity leader (MONARCH/king/queen) 
Issue History
2014-07-24 06:32majnenNew Issue
2014-07-24 06:32majnenIssue Monitored: majnen
2014-07-24 06:32majnenIssue End Monitor: majnen
2014-07-24 06:33majnenTag Attached: 40.04
2014-07-24 06:33majnenTag Attached: noble
2014-07-24 06:33majnenTag Attached: nobles
2014-07-24 06:34majnenTag Attached: Monarch
2014-07-24 06:34majnenTag Attached: King
2014-07-24 06:37majnenNote Added: 0027403
2014-07-24 07:19lethosorTag Detached: 40.04
2014-07-24 07:22cephaloNote Added: 0027406
2014-07-24 07:23cephaloNote Edited: 0027406bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0027406#r10290
2014-07-24 08:02DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0006874
2014-07-24 08:02DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2014-07-24 08:02DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-07-24 08:02DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2014-07-24 06:37   
I have a save file backed up to my google drive account, and can happily share it if there is an appropriate place to upload it?
2014-07-24 07:22   
(edited on: 2014-07-24 07:23)
Something that can happen in this version is that the king dies, and one of your dwarves is next in line to become king. Since historical figures can be migrants, and the world-gen process continues on during play, this can happen. Make a backup save, retire the fort and study the legends to see if this is what happened.

For uploading DF bugged saves, use DFFD http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^]