Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008659Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2014-12-23 17:202014-12-23 18:43
normalminorhave not tried
0008659: Uncaging animals at depot causes wagons to deconstruct.
So, I started a new game with the latest version, and the first human caravan suddenly up and left (-without- leaving behind everything they owned) and I couldn't figure out why since there was no combat report of any kind, but under closer inspection I realized two wagons were listed as deceased now on the units screen, however, no trace of the goods they were carrying or the usual wagon wood was anywhere to be found. I kept playing, unsure how it happened and put it out of mind, until the next dwarven caravan anyway. Same thing happened, dwarves packed up and left, but I had already been trading a few things and trying to work out some deals etc, so it wasn't immediate. Now, I check the units screen this time, the two wagons listed as missing, again no dropped items or wagon wood.
Now, I thought about what might be causing this, and the last thing I did was designate animals for slaughter that I had just bought but hadn't hauled the cages anywhere. I think maybe when the the animal gets pulled from the cage it forces the wagon to effectively vaporize.
Block in a trade depot save for the 3x3 entrance. Wait for wagons to show up. Delete any animal stockpiles you have at this point. Buy all the animals on the caravan. Immediately designate them for slaughter.
There was something else VERY strange that occured alongside this bug that is less game breaking but still odd on it's own. After the first set of wagons deconstructed, no wood was left behind, but I had a few plum wood in my stockpile that I used to build a pipe section and a corkscrew for a screw pump. I only made one pipe and one screw. When I went to build the screw pump, I had two of each instead, one set made of plum wood, the other set of wagon wood, also, the quality levels did not match.
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duplicate of 0007185confirmed Footkerchief Horrified merchants immediately destroy their wagons, pack their goods and leave the depot 
Issue History
2014-12-23 17:20CatharsisNew Issue
2014-12-23 17:47Rafal99Note Added: 0031450
2014-12-23 18:43FootkerchiefNote Added: 0031454
2014-12-23 18:43FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0007185
2014-12-23 18:43FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-12-23 18:43FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-12-23 18:43FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2014-12-23 17:47   
Sounds like 0007185.
2014-12-23 18:43   
Yeah, absent a save, we'll chalk this up to 0007185.

The "Additional Information" scenario is also hard to confirm without a save.