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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0001236 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Items | public | 2010-04-16 08:35 | 2014-08-13 05:10 | |
Reporter | Jumpp | |||||
Assigned To | Footkerchief | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | 0.31.03 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | |||||
Summary | 0001236: buckets contain lye and water, can't be used for anything | |||||
Description | I've got a bunch of buckets with water and lye in them. I've tried dumping the buckets, dumping the water, and dumping the lye. None of these things gets either the water or the lye out of the buckets. The buckets don't get used to feed water to patients, and they don't get used to pour lye into barrels. | |||||
Tags | buckets, lye, water | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
Relationships | ||||||||||||||||
Notes | |
(0003849) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-04-16 08:44 |
Do you have barrels available for the lye? The water buckets might be due to 0000971. Do you have defunct "Fill Pond" jobs queued up on the jobs screen? |
(0003855) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 09:05 edited on: 2010-04-16 09:05 |
I have a furniture stockpile elsewhere in the fort, maybe 50 tiles away from the ashery, with about half a dozen empty barrels. I have designated no ponds or pits of any kind in this fort. |
(0003858) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-04-16 09:11 |
Do you have a stockpile that would accept barrels full of lye? |
(0003860) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 09:19 edited on: 2010-04-16 09:22 |
Yes. It's right near the ashery, and it's got some barrels with lye. Newly produced lye goes into barrels there, and gets used to make soap. It's possible, however, that at the time these lye-and-water buckets were filled, there were no empty barrels in the fort. I often run out, since I frequently tell the brewer to keep brewing until he runs out of materials, and he always runs out of barrels before he runs out of plants. |
(0003863) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-04-16 09:52 |
Huh. Okay, as long as there aren't any burrow restrictions that would keep them from emptying the lye buckets, you should probably upload the save to [^] |
(0003883) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 12:12 |
I don't imagine there are any burrow restrictions in play. I've only got two defined at the moment, no dwarves are assigned to either, and my fort is on an alert where no burrows are activated. Can you tell me how to package a save for upload? I'm not sure which files are the important ones. |
(0003884) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-04-16 12:29 |
In DF's /data/save directory, there should be one or more folders with names like "region1". Each of these represents a world and the current saved game in it. Zip that folder up (instructions here [^]) and upload the zip file. |
(0003886) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 12:46 | [^] |
(0003887) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 12:50 edited on: 2010-04-16 12:51 |
For what it's worth, that save exhibits a number of other bugs as well. It's got two mayors. The hospital contains numerous examples of dwarves who consume endless procedures with no benefit, and there's a baby wandering around alone that's going to die of thirst in a minute or two. Also, if I play normally, it crashes in a few minutes. I'm not sure which of my actions is causing the crash. I'm trying to isolate that now. |
(0003942) Jumpp (reporter) 2010-04-16 22:29 |
Have isolated the crash, and reported it as [^] |
(0011682) Lord_Dakstar (reporter) 2010-08-09 19:56 |
I've just come across the bucket with mix of water and lye in them under 0.31.12. I discovered it while trying to get a bucket or two full of water for my bone doctor who wants to make a cast. The bug where lye and water are being mixed in a bucket are still occuring as of 31.12. I'll try checking up on them, and see if they get used to fill a small outdoor pond (that I only designated filled to get water for the cast making), or used to water patients. |
(0012333) kwieland (reporter) 2010-09-02 04:20 |
I have noticed that buckets with water in them do not get stockpiled in a normal furniture stockpile (where the other buckets are) or in a food stockpile (where the booze is). Has anyone found a way to have them stored somewhere? I've got 4-6 just cluttering things. |
(0012371) Shimrod (reporter) 2010-09-03 01:38 |
Hyndis gives a workaround here: [^] You'll lose the contents though. |
(0012851) troas (reporter) 2010-09-20 19:43 |
Another possible workaround for cool climates - dump the buckets outside, wait for the freeze. Unforbid the bucket and Dump the ice from the buckets. Wait for the spring thaw. |
(0012853) Quietust (reporter) 2010-09-20 20:55 edited on: 2010-09-21 14:52 |
troas: technically, that will work, though it'll cause both the water and the lye to freeze (since they both have a melting point of 10000 and a specific heat of 4181), but that should be okay since you can just dump out the ice and then bring the buckets back inside to melt the lye. |
(0016487) RossM (reporter) 2011-03-22 21:08 |
Still broken in 31.21. |
(0016494) hyndis (reporter) 2011-03-23 09:00 |
If the bucket is made of iron you can drop it into magma, then drain away the magma. It will boil away the contents of the bucket and you can then reuse the bucket once the magma evaporates away. Alternatively, have 1 pond zone going at all times. Dwarves will pick up buckets, fill them from the well, and then empty the buckets into the pond zone. This will eliminate the partially filled buckets randomly scattered about the fortress. The emptied buckets will be stored in the furniture stockpile. Filled buckets seem to not go into any stockpile. |
(0016495) Malibu Stacey (reporter) 2011-03-23 09:22 |
Pond zone seems a good workaround. I tend to have a furniture stockpile which only accepts buckets near my well so forbidding them should get the dwarves to use the non-empty ones to fill the pond zone which should then become empty. |
(0016502) RossM (reporter) 2011-03-23 15:16 edited on: 2011-03-23 15:18 |
Forbidding the water and hauling the bucket to the trade depot worked for me. I now have buckets with just lye. |
(0016994) troas (reporter) 2011-04-02 20:01 edited on: 2011-04-02 20:02 |
still broken in 31.25 - buckets used for create lye should be emptied when they are selected for use (related to 0001324). |
(0017191) kwieland (reporter) 2011-04-08 00:57 |
No luck just requesting the buckets hauled to the depot. Like RossM said, maybe you have to forbid the water first. |
(0017192) SocietalEclipse (reporter) 2011-04-08 03:10 |
"Forbidding the water and hauling the bucket to the trade depot worked for me. I now have buckets with just lye." This doesn't work for me. Forbidding the water and hauling the buckets to the Trade Depot results in both A) buckets still with Lye and {Stagnant Water} and B) buckets that were emptied of all contents. |
(0017239) kwieland (reporter) 2011-04-09 09:51 |
I noticed the same thing, SocietalEclipse. I ordered some Gnomeblight barrels brought to the depot and the barrels ended up at the depot, but empty! I didn't search for this bug, but it should be around. |
(0017896) Cespinarve (reporter) 2011-05-29 12:44 |
This issue persists, and it also includes buckets that contain "water laced with salt", as well as stagnant. |
(0018211) Beeskee (reporter) 2011-07-12 11:25 |
Still happening for me too, example save: [^] |
(0018447) slitherrr (reporter) 2011-08-07 08:47 |
In real life, water mixed with lye becomes slightly saline water (depending on just how much lye) after a small amount of time. Just a random factoid injection. |
(0021676) Buglist (reporter) 2012-03-23 07:49 |
root cause (0001324) was fixed, so this bug is probably also fixed |
(0021677) Footkerchief (manager) 2012-03-23 08:30 |
Sounds legit. |
Issue History | |||
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-16 08:35 | Jumpp | New Issue | |
2010-04-16 08:44 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0003849 | |
2010-04-16 08:48 | Footkerchief | Issue Monitored: Footkerchief | |
2010-04-16 09:01 | Kennel | Tag Attached: buckets | |
2010-04-16 09:01 | Kennel | Tag Attached: water | |
2010-04-16 09:01 | Kennel | Tag Attached: lye | |
2010-04-16 09:05 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003855 | |
2010-04-16 09:05 | Jumpp | Note Edited: 0003855 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 09:11 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0003858 | |
2010-04-16 09:19 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003860 | |
2010-04-16 09:22 | Jumpp | Note Edited: 0003860 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 09:52 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0003863 | |
2010-04-16 12:12 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003883 | |
2010-04-16 12:29 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0003884 | |
2010-04-16 12:46 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003886 | |
2010-04-16 12:50 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003887 | |
2010-04-16 12:51 | Jumpp | Note Edited: 0003887 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 22:29 | Jumpp | Note Added: 0003942 | |
2010-04-22 15:33 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | parent of 0001324 |
2010-08-02 14:10 | aleander | Issue Monitored: aleander | |
2010-08-09 19:56 | Lord_Dakstar | Note Added: 0011682 | |
2010-09-01 23:21 | Beeskee | Issue Monitored: Beeskee | |
2010-09-02 04:20 | kwieland | Note Added: 0012333 | |
2010-09-03 01:38 | Shimrod | Note Added: 0012371 | |
2010-09-20 19:43 | troas | Note Added: 0012851 | |
2010-09-20 20:55 | Quietust | Note Added: 0012853 | |
2010-09-21 14:52 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0012853 | View Revisions |
2010-09-21 14:52 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0012853 | View Revisions |
2010-11-26 15:21 | Coaldiamond | Tag Attached: injured foot | |
2010-11-26 17:21 | Footkerchief | Tag Detached: injured foot | |
2011-03-12 08:05 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | has duplicate 0003066 |
2011-03-12 08:05 | Dwarfu | Issue Monitored: reddit | |
2011-03-17 07:47 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0001570 |
2011-03-22 21:08 | RossM | Note Added: 0016487 | |
2011-03-22 21:08 | RossM | Issue Monitored: RossM | |
2011-03-22 22:24 | Hieronymous Alloy | Issue Monitored: Hieronymous Alloy | |
2011-03-23 09:00 | hyndis | Note Added: 0016494 | |
2011-03-23 09:22 | Malibu Stacey | Note Added: 0016495 | |
2011-03-23 15:16 | RossM | Note Added: 0016502 | |
2011-03-23 15:18 | RossM | Note Edited: 0016502 | View Revisions |
2011-03-28 02:31 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0004371 |
2011-04-02 20:01 | troas | Note Added: 0016994 | |
2011-04-02 20:02 | troas | Note Edited: 0016994 | View Revisions |
2011-04-08 00:57 | kwieland | Note Added: 0017191 | |
2011-04-08 03:10 | SocietalEclipse | Note Added: 0017192 | |
2011-04-09 09:51 | kwieland | Note Added: 0017239 | |
2011-05-29 12:44 | Cespinarve | Note Added: 0017896 | |
2011-06-05 09:23 | Kon | Issue Monitored: Kon | |
2011-07-12 11:25 | Beeskee | Note Added: 0018211 | |
2011-07-22 17:06 | Vherid | Issue Monitored: Vherid | |
2011-08-07 08:47 | slitherrr | Note Added: 0018447 | |
2011-09-03 08:28 | salajander | Issue Monitored: salajander | |
2011-10-22 12:38 | Kogut | Issue Monitored: Kogut | |
2012-02-26 11:47 | Buglist | Issue Monitored: Buglist | |
2012-03-23 07:49 | Buglist | Note Added: 0021676 | |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Relationship replaced | duplicate of 0001324 |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0021677 | |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Status | new => resolved |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Resolution | open => duplicate |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | => Footkerchief |
2012-03-23 08:30 | Footkerchief | Relationship deleted | has duplicate 0003066 |
2012-03-24 08:29 | Kogut | Issue End Monitor: Kogut | |
2012-03-28 07:59 | Buglist | Issue End Monitor: Buglist | |
2014-07-29 15:30 | Vherid | Issue End Monitor: Vherid | |
2014-08-13 05:10 | Kon | Issue End Monitor: Kon |
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